40 CFR § 35.10010 - Limitations on assistance.

§ 35.10010 Limitations on assistance.

(a) The total amount of credit assistance offered to any project under this part shall not exceed 49% of the anticipated eligible project costs, as measured on an aggregate cash (year-of-expenditure) basis, or, if the secured loan does not receive an investment-grade rating, the total amount of credit assistance shall not exceed the amount of the senior project obligations of the project.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, the Administrator may offer credit assistance in excess of 49% of the anticipated eligible project costs as long as such excess assistance combined for all projects does not require greater than 25% of the subsidy amount made available for the fiscal year.

(1) Credit assistance may not exceed 80% of the total project costs due to a statutory restriction on the maximum extent of federal participation in a project, except in the case of certain rural water projects authorized to be carried out by the Secretary of the Interior that includes among its beneficiaries a federally recognized Indian tribe and for which the authorized Federal share of the total project costs is greater than 80%.

(2) Use of the authority to offer credit assistance in excess of 49% of the anticipated eligible project costs shall be considered only under extraordinarily exceptional circumstances.

(3) In the event this authority is used, all other criteria and requirements described in this part must be met and adhered to.

(c) Costs incurred, and the value of any integral in-kind contributions made, before receipt of credit assistance may be considered in calculating eligible project costs only upon approval of the Administrator. Such costs and integral in-kind contributions must be directly related to the development or execution of the project and must be eligible project costs as defined in § 35.10005. In addition, such costs, excluding the value of any integral in-kind contributions, are payable from the proceeds of the WIFIA credit instrument and shall be considered incurred costs for purposes of paragraph (f) of this section. Capitalized interest on the WIFIA credit instrument is not eligible for calculating eligible project costs.

(d) No costs financed internally or with interim funding may be refinanced under this part later than a year following substantial completion of the project.

(e) The Administrator shall not obligate funds for a project that has not received an environmental Categorical Exclusion, Finding of No Significant Impact, or Record of Decision under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.

(f) The Administrator shall fund a secured loan based on the project's financing needs. The credit agreement shall include the anticipated schedule for such loan disbursements. Actual disbursements will be based on incurred costs, and in accordance with the approved construction plan, as evidenced by paid invoices.

(g) The interest rate on a secured loan will be equal to or greater than the yield on U.S. Treasury securities of comparable maturity on the date of execution of the credit agreement as identified through use of the daily rate tables published by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service for the State and Local Government Series (SLGS) investments. The yield on comparable Treasury securities will be estimated by adding one basis point to the SLGS daily rate with a maturity that is closest to the weighted average loan life of the WIFIA credit instrument, measured from first disbursement.

(h) The final maturity date of a secured loan will be the earlier of the date that is 35 years after the date of substantial completion of the project, as determined by the Administrator and identified in the assistance agreement, and if the useful life of the project, as determined by the Administrator, is less than 35 years, the useful life the project; however, the final maturity date of a secured loan to a State infrastructure financing authority will be not later than 35 years after the date on which amounts are first disbursed. In determining the useful life of the project, for the purposes of establishing the final maturity date of the WIFIA credit instrument, the Administrator will consider the useful economic life of the asset(s) being financed.

(i) A secured loan will not be subordinated to the claims of any holder of project obligations in the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, or liquidation of the obligor of the project.

(j) EPA will establish a repayment schedule for a secured loan based on the projected cash flow from project revenues and other repayment sources. Scheduled loan repayments of principal or interest on a secured loan will commence not later than 5 years after the date of substantial completion of the project as determined by the Administrator; however, scheduled loan repayments of principal or interest on a secured loan to a State infrastructure financing authority will commence not later than 5 years after the date on which amounts are first disbursed.

[81 FR 91833, Dec. 19, 2016, as amended at 83 FR 29694, June 26, 2018]