40 CFR § 35.3165 - Reports and audits.

§ 35.3165 Reports and audits.

(a) Annual report. The State must provide an Annual Report to the RA beginning the first fiscal year after it receives payments under title VI. The State should submit this report to the RA according to the schedule established in the grant agreement.

(b) Matters to establish in the annual report. In addition to the requirements in section 606(d) of the Act, in its annual report the State must establish that it has:

(1) Reviewed all SRF funded section 212 projects in accordance with the approved environmental review procedures;

(2) Deposited its match on or before the date on which each quarterly grant payment was made;

(3) Assured compliance with the requirements of § 35.3135(f);

(4) Made binding commitments to provide assistance equal to 120 percent of the amount of each grant payment within one year after receiving the grant payment pursuant to § 35.3135(c);

(5) Expended all funds in an expeditious and timely manner pursuant to § 35.3135(d); and

(6) First used all funds as a result of capitalization grants to assure maintenance of progress toward compliance with the enforceable requirements of the Act pursuant to § 35.3135(e).

(c) Annual review—(1) Purpose. The purpose of the annual review is to assess the success of the State's performance of activities identified in the IUP and Annual Report, and to determine compliance with the terms of the capitalization grant agreement. The RA will complete the annual review according to the schedule established in the grant agreement.

(2) Records access. After reasonable notice by the RA, the State or assistance recipient must make available to the EPA such records as the RA reasonably requires to review and determine State compliance with the requirements of title VI. The RA may conduct onsite visits as needed to provide adequate programmatic review.

(d) Annual audit.

(1) At least once a year the RA (through the Office of the Inspector General) will conduct, or require the State to have independently conducted, a financial and compliance audit of the SRF and the operations of the SRF. If the State is required to have an independently conducted audit performed, the State may designate an independent auditor of the State to carry out the audit or may contractually procure the service.

(2) The auditor can be a certified public accountant, a public accountant licensed on or before December 31, 1970, or a governmental auditor who meets the qualification standards (Government Auditing Standards). In addition, the auditor must meet the independence standard as enumerated by the General Accounting Office and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The Office of the Inspector General may arrange for an EPA audit if the State fails to conduct the audit or if the State's review is otherwise unsatisfactory.

(3) The audit report required under section 606(b) must contain an opinion on the financial statements of the SRF and its internal controls, and a report on compliance with title VI.

(4) The audit report must be completed within one year of the end of the appropriate accounting period and submitted to the Office of the Inspector General within 30 days of completion. In cases of State conducted audits, the State will be notified within 90 days as to the acceptability of the audit report and its findings. Audits may be done in conjunction with the Single Audit Act.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 2040-0118)