40 CFR § 370.43 - What codes are used to report Tier I and Tier II inventory information?

§ 370.43 What codes are used to report Tier I and Tier II inventory information?

(a) Weight range codes. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, you must use the following codes to report the maximum amount and average daily amount when reporting Tier I or Tier II inventory information:

Range codes Weight range in pounds
From To
01 0 99
02 100 499
03 500 999
04 1,000 4,999
05 5,000 9,999
06 10,000 24,999
07 25,000 49,999
08 50,000 74,999
09 75,000 99,999
10 100,000 499,999
11 500,000 999,999
12 1,000,000 9,999,999
13 10,000,000 (*)

* Greater than 10 million

Note to paragraph (a):

To convert gas or liquid volume to weight in pounds, multiply by an appropriate density factor.

(b) Your SERC or LEPC may provide other range codes for reporting maximum amount and average daily amount, or may require reporting of specific amounts. You may use your SERC's or LEPC's range codes (or specific amounts) provided the ranges are not broader than the ranges in paragraph (a) of this section.

[77 FR 41315, July 13, 2012]