40 CFR § 441.50 - Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

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§ 441.50 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

(a) Dental Dischargers subject to this part must comply with the following reporting requirements in lieu of the otherwise applicable requirements in 40 CFR 403.12(b), (d), (e), and (g).

(1) One-Time Compliance Report deadlines. For existing sources, a One-Time Compliance Report must be submitted to the Control Authority no later than October 12, 2020, or 90 days after a transfer of ownership. For new sources, a One-Time Compliance Report must be submitted to the Control Authority no later than 90 days following the introduction of wastewater into a POTW.

(2) Signature and certification. The One-Time Compliance Report must be signed and certified by a responsible corporate officer, a general partner or proprietor if the dental discharger is a partnership or sole proprietorship, or a duly authorized representative in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 403.12(l).

(3) Contents.

(i) The One-Time Compliance Report for dental dischargers subject to this part that do not place or remove dental amalgam as described at § 441.10(f) must include the: facility name, physical address, mailing address, contact information, name of the operator(s) and owner(s); and a certification statement that the dental discharger does not place dental amalgam and does not remove amalgam except in limited circumstances.

(ii) The One-Time Compliance Report for dental dischargers subject to the standards of this part must include:

(A) The facility name, physical address, mailing address, and contact information.

(B) Name(s) of the operator(s) and owner(s).

(C) A description of the operation at the dental facility including: The total number of chairs, the total number of chairs at which dental amalgam may be present in the resulting wastewater, and a description of any existing amalgam separator(s) or equivalent device(s) currently operated to include, at a minimum, the make, model, year of installation.

(D) Certification that the amalgam separator(s) or equivalent device is designed and will be operated and maintained to meet the requirements specified in § 441.30 or § 441.40.

(E) Certification that the dental discharger is implementing BMPs specified in § 441.30(b) or § 441.40(b) and will continue to do so.

(F) The name of the third-party service provider that maintains the amalgam separator(s) or equivalent device(s) operated at the dental office, if applicable. Otherwise, a brief description of the practices employed by the facility to ensure proper operation and maintenance in accordance with § 441.30 or § 441.40.

(4) Transfer of ownership notification. If a dental discharger transfers ownership of the facility, the new owner must submit a new One-Time Compliance Report to the Control Authority no later than 90 days after the transfer.

(5) Retention period. As long as a Dental Discharger subject to this part is in operation, or until ownership is transferred, the Dental Discharger or an agent or representative of the dental discharger must maintain the One-Time Compliance Report required at paragraph (a) of this section and make it available for inspection in either physical or electronic form.

(b) Dental Dischargers or an agent or representative of the dental discharger must maintain and make available for inspection in either physical or electronic form, for a minimum of three years:

(1) Documentation of the date, person(s) conducting the inspection, and results of each inspection of the amalgam separator(s) or equivalent device(s), and a summary of follow-up actions, if needed.

(2) Documentation of amalgam retaining container or equivalent container replacement (including the date, as applicable).

(3) Documentation of all dates that collected dental amalgam is picked up or shipped for proper disposal in accordance with 40 CFR 262.14(a)(5), and the name of the permitted or licensed treatment, storage or disposal facility receiving the amalgam retaining containers.

(4) Documentation of any repair or replacement of an amalgam separator or equivalent device, including the date, person(s) making the repair or replacement, and a description of the repair or replacement (including make and model).

(5) Dischargers or an agent or representative of the dental discharger must maintain and make available for inspection in either physical or electronic form the manufacturers operating manual for the current device.

[82 FR 27176, June 14, 2017, as amended at 88 FR 54115, Aug. 9, 2023]