40 CFR § 49.138 - Rule for the registration of air pollution sources and the reporting of emissions.

§ 49.138 Rule for the registration of air pollution sources and the reporting of emissions.

(a) What is the purpose of this section? This section allows the Regional Administrator to develop and maintain a current and accurate record of air pollution sources and their emissions within the Indian reservation.

(b) Who is affected by this section? This section applies to any person who owns or operates a part 71 source or an air pollution source that is subject to a standard established under section 111 or section 112 of the Federal Clean Air Act. This section also applies to any person who owns or operates any other air pollution source except those exempted in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) What is exempted from this section? As provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this section does not apply to the following air pollution sources:

(1) Air pollution sources that do not have the potential to emit more than two tons per year of any air pollutant;

(2) Mobile sources;

(3) Single family residences, and residential buildings with four or fewer dwelling units;

(4) Air conditioning units used for human comfort that do not exhaust air pollutants into the atmosphere from any manufacturing or industrial process;

(5) Ventilating units used for human comfort that do not exhaust air pollutants into the atmosphere from any manufacturing or industrial process;

(6) Furnaces and boilers used exclusively for space heating with a rated heat input capacity of less than 400,000 British thermal units (Btu) per hour;

(7) Cooking of food, except for wholesale businesses that both cook and sell cooked food;

(8) Consumer use of office equipment and products;

(9) Janitorial services and consumer use of janitorial products;

(10) Maintenance and repair activities, except for air pollution sources engaged in the business of maintaining and repairing equipment;

(11) Agricultural activities and forestry and silvicultural activities, including agricultural burning and forestry and silvicultural burning; and

(12) Open burning.

(d) What are the requirements of this section? Any person who owns or operates an air pollution source subject to this section, except for part 71 sources, must register the source with the Regional Administrator and submit reports as specified in paragraph (e) of this section. Any person who owns or operates a part 71 source must submit reports as specified in paragraph (f) of this section. All registration information and reports must be submitted on forms provided by the Regional Administrator.

(e) Are there additional requirements that must be met? Any person who owns or operates an air pollution source subject to this section, except for part 71 sources, must register an air pollution source and submit reports as follows:

(1) Initial registration. The owner or operator of an air pollution source that exists on the effective date of this section must register the air pollution source with the Regional Administrator by no later than February 15, 2007. The owner or operator of a new air pollution source must register with the Regional Administrator within 90 days after beginning operation. Submitting an initial registration does not relieve the owner or operator from the requirement to obtain a permit to construct if the new air pollution source would be a new source or modification subject to any Federal or Tribal permit to construct rule.

(2) Annual registration. After initial registration, the owner or operator of an air pollution source must re-register with the Regional Administrator by February 15 of each year. The annual registration must include all of the information required in the initial registration and must be updated to reflect any changes since the previous registration. For information that has not changed since the previous registration, the owner or operator may reaffirm in writing that the information previously furnished to the Regional Administrator is still correct.

(3) Information to include in initial registration and annual registration. Each initial registration and annual registration must include the following information if it applies:

(i) Name of the air pollution source and the nature of the business.

(ii) Street address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the air pollution source.

(iii) Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the owner or operator.

(iv) Name, mailing address, telephone number, and facsimile number of the local individual responsible for compliance with this section.

(v) Name and mailing address of the individual authorized to receive requests for data and information.

(vi) A description of the production processes, air pollution control equipment, and a related flow chart.

(vii) Identification of emission units and air pollutant-generating activities.

(viii) A plot plan showing the location of all emission units and air pollutant-generating activities. The plot plan must also show the property lines of the air pollution source, the height above grade of each emission release point, and the distance and direction to the nearest residential or commercial property.

(ix) Type and quantity of fuels, including the sulfur content of fuels, used on a daily, annual, and maximum hourly basis.

(x) Type and quantity of raw materials used or final product produced on a daily, annual, and maximum hourly basis.

(xi) Typical operating schedule, including number of hours per day, number of days per week, and number of weeks per year.

(xii) Estimates of the total actual emissions from the air pollution source for the following air pollutants: particulate matter, PM10, PM2.5, sulfur oxides (SOX), nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), lead (Pb) and lead compounds, ammonia (NH3), fluorides (gaseous and particulate), sulfuric acid mist (H2SO4), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), total reduced sulfur (TRS), and reduced sulfur compounds, including all calculations for the estimates.

(xiii) Estimated efficiency of air pollution control equipment under present or anticipated operating conditions.

(xiv) Any other information specifically requested by the Regional Administrator.

(4) Procedure for estimating emissions. The initial registration and annual registration must include an estimate of actual emissions taking into account equipment, operating conditions, and air pollution control measures. For an existing air pollution source that operated during the calendar year preceding the initial registration or annual registration submittal, the actual emissions are the actual rate of emissions for the preceding calendar year and must be calculated using the actual operating hours, production rates, in-place control equipment, and types of materials processed, stored, or combusted during the preceding calendar year. For a new air pollution source that is submitting its initial registration, the actual emissions are the estimated actual rate of emissions for the current calendar year. The emission estimates must be based upon actual test data or, in the absence of such data, upon procedures acceptable to the Regional Administrator. Any emission estimates submitted to the Regional Administrator must be verifiable using currently accepted engineering criteria. The following procedures are generally acceptable for estimating emissions from air pollution sources:

(i) Source-specific emission tests;

(ii) Mass balance calculations;

(iii) Published, verifiable emission factors that are applicable to the source;

(iv) Other engineering calculations; or

(v) Other procedures to estimate emissions specifically approved by the Regional Administrator.

(5) Report of relocation. After initial registration, the owner or operator of an air pollution source must report any relocation of the source to the Regional Administrator in writing no later than 30 days prior to the relocation of the source. The report must update the information required in paragraphs (e)(3)(i) through (e)(3)(v) and (e)(3)(viii) of this section, and any other information required by paragraph (e)(3) of this section if it will change as a result of the relocation. Submitting a report of relocation does not relieve the owner or operator from the requirement to obtain a permit to construct if the relocation of the air pollution source would be a new source or modification subject to any Federal or Tribal permit to construct rule.

(6) Report of change of ownership. After initial registration, the owner or operator of an air pollution source must report any change of ownership to the Regional Administrator in writing within 90 days after the change in ownership is effective. The report must update the information required in paragraphs (e)(3)(i) through (e)(3)(v) of this section, and any other information required by paragraph (e)(3) of this section if it would change as a result of the change of ownership.

(7) Report of closure. Except for regular seasonal closures, after initial registration, the owner or operator of an air pollution source must submit a report of closure to the Regional Administrator in writing within 90 days after the cessation of all operations at the air pollution source.

(8) Certification of truth, accuracy, and completeness. All registrations and reports must include a certification signed by the owner or operator as to the truth, accuracy, and completeness of the information. This certification must state that, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information are true, accurate, and complete.

(f) Requirements for part 71 sources. The owner or operator of a part 71 source must submit an annual registration report that includes the information required by paragraphs (e)(3) and (e)(4) of this section. This annual registration report must be submitted with the annual emission report and fee calculation worksheet required by part 71 (or by the source's part 71 permit if a different date is specified in the permit). The owner or operator may submit a single combined report provided that the combined report clearly identifies which emissions are the basis for the annual registration report, the part 71 annual emission report, and the part 71 fee calculation worksheet. The first annual registration report for a part 71 source shall be submitted for calendar year 2006, or for the calendar year that the source became subject to part 71, whichever is later.

(g) Definitions of terms used in this section. The following terms that are used in this section are defined in § 49.123 General provisions: Act, actual emissions, agricultural activities, air pollutant, air pollution source, ambient air, British thermal unit (Btu), emission, emission factor, emission unit, forestry or silvicultural activities, forestry or silvicultural burning, fuel, major source, marine vessel, mobile source, motor vehicle, new air pollution source, nonroad engine, nonroad vehicle, open burning, owner or operator, part 71 source, particulate matter, permit to construct, PM10, PM2.5, potential to emit, rated capacity, Regional Administrator, source, stack, stationary source, and uncombined water.