40 CFR § 52.1604 - Control strategy and regulations: Total suspended particulates.

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§ 52.1604 Control strategy and regulations: Total suspended particulates.

(a) Any variance issued by the Department under N.J.A.C. Title 7, Chapter 27, section 6.5, subsections (a), (b), or (c) shall not exempt any person from the requirements otherwise imposed by N.J.A.C. 7:27-6.1 et seq.; Provided that the Administrator may approve such variance as a plan revision when the provisions of this part, section 110(a)(3)(A) of the Act, and 40 CFR, part 51 (relating to approval of and revisions to State implementation plans) have been satisfied with respect to such variance.

(b) Particulates emissions from units 1 and 2 of the Atlantic City Electric Company's B.L. England Generating Station are limited to an emission rate of 0.5 lbs/million BTU until March 31, 1982 and June 1, 1982, respectively. The opacity associated with such emissions from these units during this period shall not exceed 40 percent. On and after March 31, 1982 for unit 1, and June 1, 1982 for unit 2, these units shall be limited to an emission rate of 0.1 lbs/million BTU, and the associated opacity shall not exceed 20 percent.

[44 FR 5427, Jan. 26, 1979 and 46 FR 26305, May 12, 1981]