40 CFR § 52.724 - Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.

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§ 52.724 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.

(a) Part D—Conditional Approval—The Illinois plan is approved provided that the following condition is satisfied:

(1) The plan includes a reanalysis of the Pekin, Illinois area, a submittal of the analysis results to USEPA, the proposal of any additional regulations to the Illinois Pollution Control Board necessary to insure attainment and maintenance of the sulfur dioxide standard, and the promulgation of any necessary regulations. The State must complete the reanalysis, submit the results to USEPA and submit any necessary, additional regulations to the Illinois Pollution Control Board by September 30, 1980. Any necessary regulation must be finally promulgated by the State and submitted to USEPA by September 30, 1981.

(2) Extension of Condition—USEPA approves the date of July 1, 1984 for submitting the draft sulfur dioxide rule revisions and supporting documentation as required in (a)(1) for Peoria, Hollis and Groveland Townships in Illinois. The State must complete final rule adoption as expeditiously as possible but no later than December 31, 1985.

(b) Part D—Disapproval—USEPA disapproves Rules 204(c)(1)(B), Rule 204(c)(1)(C), Rule 204(e)(1) and Rule 204(e)(2) for those sources for which these rules represent a relaxation of the federally enforceable State Implementation Plan. Rule 204(c)(1)(B), Rule 204(c)(1)(C), Rule 204(e)(1) and Rule 204(e)(2) are approved as not representing relaxations of the State Implementation Plan for the following sources:

Sources of 10 Million Btu per Hour or More Not Increasing Allowable Sulfur Dioxide Emissions as a Result of Record Rules 204(c) and 204(e) Because New Allowable Emissions Rate is Same as or Less Than Old Allowable Rate Pounds per Hour (Pounds per Million Btu)

County Name Emissions formerly allowable 1 Emissions now allowable without new permit application 2
Boone Chrysler 1,760 (4.4) 1,760 (4.4)
Champaign Chanute Air Base 1,317 (3.0) 1,317 (3.0)
Crawford CIPS 8,242 (5.1) 8,242 (5.1)
Douglas USI Chemicals 8,022 (5.3) 8,022 (5.3)
Fulton Freeman Coal 22.2 (1.2) 22.2 (1.2)
La Salle Del Monte 296 (3.9) 296 (3.9)
Massac EEI Joppa 36,865 (3.6) 36,865 (3.6)
Montgomery CIPS 55,555 (5.8) 55,555 (5.8)
Morgan ......do 24,000 (6.0) 20,800 (5.2)
Putnam Illinois Power 17,051 (5.8) 17,051 (5.8)
Randolph ......do 3 81,339 (4.6) 81,339 (4.6)
Rock Island International Harvester 1,643 (4.35) 1,643 (4.35)
Williamson Marion Correctional 396 (5.7) 396 (5.7)

1 6.0 lbs/MMBTU of existing coal fired capacity or total 204(e)(2) emissions less actual oil fired and NSPS emissions, whichever is lower.

2 Maximum allowable emissions for existing coal fired capacity according to revised rules 204(c) and 204(e) consolidated, usually equally equalling total emissions as given by 204(e)(2) less actual oil fired NSPS emissions. (In the one case wherein the new allowable limit is less than that given by 204(e)(2) the allowable emissions were determined by 204(e)(1) with which the source is required to comply.)

3 Source is in compliance per 204(e)(3).

CIPS = Central Illinois Public Service.

EEI = Electric Energy Incorporated.

This disapproval does not in and of itself result in the growth restrictions of section 110(a)(2)(1).

(c) Disapproval—USEPA disapproves Rule 204(e)(4) as not being adequate to protect the NAAQS. This disapproval does not in and of itself result in the growth restrictions of section 110(a)(2)(I).

(d) Disapproval—USEPA disapproves Rule 204(f)(1)(D) as completely deregulating SO2 emissions from existing processes without providing an assessment of the ambient air quality impact or a showing that increasing the allowable emissions from these sources will not cause or contribute to violations of the NAAQS or PSD increments. This disapproval does not in and of itself result in the growth restrictions of section 110(a)(2)(I).

(e) Disapproval—USEPA disapproves Rule 204(h) for those sources for which USEPA has disapproved rules 204(c) and 204(e). This disapproval does not in and of itself result in the growth restrictions of section 110(a)(2)(I).

(f) Approval—USEPA approves rule 204(e)(3) for those sources able to show that the proposed emission rate will not cause or contribute to a violation of the NAAQS. The State must submit these emission limitations, along with the technical support to USEPA for approval.

(g) Part D—Approval—The State plan for Alton Township, Madison County, which consists of a federally Enforceable State Operating Permit controlling sulfur dioxide emissions from the boilers and reheat furnaces at Laclede Steel, which was submitted on November 18, 1993, is approved.

(h) Approval—On November 10, 1994, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency submitted a sulfur dioxide redesignation request and maintenance plan for Peoria and Hollis Townships in Peoria County and Groveland Township in Tazewell County to redesignate the townships to attainment for sulfur dioxide. The redesignation request and maintenance plan meet the redesignation requirements in section 107(d)(3)(d) of the Clean Air Act (Act) as amended in 1990.

[45 FR 62806, 62809, Sept. 22, 1980, as amended at 50 FR 5250, Feb. 7, 1985; 59 FR 18753, Apr. 20, 1994; 60 FR 17001, Apr. 4, 1995]