40 CFR § 60.285a - Test methods and procedures.

§ 60.285a Test methods and procedures.

(a) In conducting the performance tests required by this subpart and § 60.8, the owner or operator must use as reference methods and procedures the test methods in appendix A of this part or other methods and procedures in this section, except as provided in § 60.8(b). Acceptable alternative methods and procedures are given in paragraph (f) of this section. Section 60.8(c) must be read as follows for purposes of this subpart: Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of the affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test.

(b) The owner or operator must determine compliance with the filterable particulate matter standards in § 60.282a(a)(1), (2), (5) and (6) as follows:

(1) Method 5 of appendix A-3 of this part must be used to determine the filterable particulate matter concentration. The sampling time and sample volume for each run must be at least 60 minutes and 0.90 dscm (31.8 dscf). Water must be used as the cleanup solvent instead of acetone in the sample recovery procedure. The particulate concentration must be corrected to the appropriate oxygen concentration according to § 60.284a(c)(1)(iii).

(2) The emission rate correction factor, integrated sampling and analysis procedure of Method 3B of appendix A-2 of this part must be used to determine the oxygen concentration. The gas sample must be taken at the same time and at the same traverse points as the particulate sample.

(3) Method 9 of appendix A-4 of this part and the procedures in § 60.11 must be used to determine opacity. Opacity measurement is not required for recovery furnaces or lime kilns operating with a wet scrubber alone or a wet scrubber in combination with an ESP.

(4) In addition to the initial performance test required by this subpart and § 60.8(a), you must conduct repeat performance tests for filterable particulate matter at intervals no longer than 5 years following the previous performance test using the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section.

(5) When the initial and repeat performance tests are conducted for filterable particulate matter, the owner or operator must also measure condensable particulate matter using Method 202 of appendix M of 40 CFR part 51.

(c) The owner or operator must determine compliance with the filterable particular matter standards in § 60.282a(a)(3) and (4) as follows:

(1) The emission rate (E) of filterable particulate matter must be computed for each run using the following equation:

E = csQsd/BLS
E = emission rate of filterable particulate matter, g/kg (lb/ton) of BLS.
cs = Concentration of filterable particulate matter, g/dscm (lb/dscf).
Qsd = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas, dry standard cubic meter per hour (dscm/hr) (dry standard cubic feet per hour (dscf/hr)).
BLS = black liquor solids (dry weight) feed rate, kg/hr (ton/hr).

(2) Method 5 of appendix A-3 of this part must be used to determine the filterable particulate matter concentration (cs) and the volumetric flow rate (Qsd) of the effluent gas. The sampling time and sample volume must be at least 60 minutes and 0.90 dscm (31.8 dscf). Water must be used instead of acetone in the sample recovery.

(3) Process data must be used to determine the black liquor solids (BLS) feed rate on a dry weight basis.

(4) In addition to the initial performance test required by this subpart and § 60.8(a), you must conduct repeat performance tests for filterable particulate matter at intervals no longer than 5 years following the previous performance test using the procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.

(5) When the initial and repeat performance tests are conducted for filterable particulate matter, the owner or operator must also measure condensable particulate matter using Method 202 of appendix M of 40 CFR part 51.

(d) The owner or operator must determine compliance with the TRS standards in § 60.283a, except § 60.283a(a)(1)(vi) and (4), as follows:

(1) Method 16 of appendix A-6 of this part must be used to determine the TRS concentration. The TRS concentration must be corrected to the appropriate oxygen concentration using the procedure in § 60.284a(c)(1)(iii). The sampling time must be at least 3 hours, but no longer than 6 hours.

(2) The emission rate correction factor, integrated sampling and analysis procedure of Method 3B of appendix A-2 of this part must be used to determine the oxygen concentration. The sample must be taken over the same time period as the TRS samples.

(3) When determining whether a furnace is a straight kraft recovery furnace or a cross recovery furnace, TAPPI Method T 624 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17) must be used to determine sodium sulfide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium carbonate. These determinations must be made 3 times daily from the green liquor, and the daily average values must be converted to sodium oxide (Na20) and substituted into the following equation to determine the green liquor sulfidity:

GLS = 100CNa2S / (CNa2SCNaOH CNa2CO3)
GLS = green liquor sulfidity, percent.
CNa2S = concentration of Na2S as Na2O, milligrams per liter (mg/L) (grains per gallon (gr/gal)).
CNaOH = concentration of NaOH as Na2O, mg/L (gr/gal).
CNa2CO3 = concentration of Na2CO3 as Na2O, mg/L (gr/gal).

(4) For recovery furnaces and lime kilns, in addition to the initial performance test required in this subpart and § 60.8(a), you must conduct repeat TRS performance tests at intervals no longer than 5 years following the previous performance test using the procedures in paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section.

(e) The owner or operator must determine compliance with the TRS standards in § 60.283a(a)(1)(vi) and (4) as follows:

(1) The emission rate (E) of TRS must be computed for each run using the following equation:

E = CTRS F Qsd/P
E = emission rate of TRS, g/kg (lb/ton) of BLS or ADP.
CTRS = average combined concentration of TRS, ppm.
F = conversion factor, 0.001417 g H2S/cubic meter (m 3)-ppm (8.846 × 10 -8 lb H2S/cubic foot (ft 3)-ppm).
Qsd = volumetric flow rate of stack gas, dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
P = black liquor solids feed or pulp production rate, kg/hr (ton/hr).

(2) Method 16 of appendix A-6 of this part must be used to determine the TRS concentration (CTRS).

(3) Method 2 of appendix A-1 of this part must be used to determine the volumetric flow rate (Qsd) of the effluent gas.

(4) Process data must be used to determine the black liquor feed rate or the pulp production rate (P).

(5) For smelt dissolving tanks, in addition to the initial performance test required in this subpart and § 60.8(a), you must conduct repeat TRS performance tests at intervals no longer than 5 years following the previous performance test using the procedures in paragraphs (e)(1) through (4) of this section.

(f) The owner or operator may use the following as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in this section:

(1) In place of Method 5 of appendix A-3 of this part, Method 17 of appendix A-6 of this part may be used if a constant value of 0.009 g/dscm (0.004 gr/dscf) is added to the results of Method 17 and the stack temperature is no greater than 204 °C (400 °F).

(2) In place of Method 16 of appendix A-6 of this part, Method 16A, 16B, or 16C of appendix A-6 of this part may be used.

(3) In place of Method 3B of appendix A-2 of this part, ASME PTC 19.10-1981 (incorporated by reference—see § 60.17) may be used.

[79 FR 18966, Apr. 4, 2014, as amended at 85 FR 70493, Nov. 5, 2020]