40 CFR § 60.487 - Reporting requirements.

§ 60.487 Reporting requirements.

(a) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit semiannual reports to the Administrator beginning six months after the initial startup date.

(b) The initial semiannual report to the Administrator shall include the following information:

(1) Process unit identification.

(2) Number of valves subject to the requirements of § 60.482-7, excluding those valves designated for no detectable emissions under the provisions of § 60.482-7(f).

(3) Number of pumps subject to the requirements of § 60.482-2, excluding those pumps designated for no detectable emissions under the provisions of § 60.482-2(e) and those pumps complying with § 60.482-2(f).

(4) Number of compressors subject to the requirements of § 60.482-3, excluding those compressors designated for no detectable emissions under the provisions of § 60.482-3(i) and those compressors complying with § 60.482-3(h).

(c) All semiannual reports to the Administrator shall include the following information, summarized from the information in § 60.486:

(1) Process unit identification.

(2) For each month during the semiannual reporting period,

(i) Number of valves for which leaks were detected as described in § 60.482-7(b) or § 60.483-2,

(ii) Number of valves for which leaks were not repaired as required in § 60.482-7(d)(1),

(iii) Number of pumps for which leaks were detected as described in § 60.482-2(b), (d)(4)(ii)(A) or (B), or (d)(5)(iii),

(iv) Number of pumps for which leaks were not repaired as required in § 60.482-2(c)(1) and (d)(6),

(v) Number of compressors for which leaks were detected as described in § 60.482-3(f),

(vi) Number of compressors for which leaks were not repaired as required in § 60.482-3(g)(1), and

(vii) The facts that explain each delay of repair and, where appropriate, why a process unit shutdown was technically infeasible.

(3) Dates of process unit shutdowns which occurred within the semiannual reporting period.

(4) Revisions to items reported according to paragraph (b) if changes have occurred since the initial report or subsequent revisions to the initial report.

(d) An owner or operator electing to comply with the provisions of § 60.483-1 or § 60.483-2 shall notify the Administrator of the alternative standard selected 90 days before implementing either of the provisions.

(e) An owner or operator shall report the results of all performance tests in accordance with § 60.8 of the General Provisions. The provisions of § 60.8(d) do not apply to affected facilities subject to the provisions of this subpart except that an owner or operator must notify the Administrator of the schedule for the initial performance tests at least 30 days before the initial performance tests.

(f) The requirements of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section remain in force until and unless EPA, in delegating enforcement authority to a State under section 111(c) of the Act, approves reporting requirements or an alternative means of compliance surveillance adopted by such State. In that event, affected sources within the State will be relieved of the obligation to comply with the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, provided that they comply with the requirements established by the State.

[48 FR 48335, Oct. 18, 1983, as amended at 49 FR 22608, May 30, 1984; 65 FR 61763, Oct. 17, 2000; 72 FR 64883, Nov. 16, 2007]