40 CFR § 60.5410c - How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for each of my designated facilities?

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§ 60.5410c How do I demonstrate initial compliance with the standards for each of my designated facilities?

(a) Gas well liquids unloading standards for well designated facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG standards for each gas well liquids unloading operation conducted at your well designated facility as required by § 60.5390c, you must comply with paragraphs (a)(1) through (4) of this section, as applicable.

(1) You must submit the initial annual report for your well designated facility as required in § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (2).

(2) If you comply by using a liquids unloading technology or technique that does not vent to the atmosphere according to § 60.5390c(a)(1), you must maintain the records specified in § 60.5420c(c)(1)(i).

(3) If you comply by using a liquids unloading technology or technique that vents to the atmosphere according to § 60.5390c(a)(2), (b) and (c), you must comply with paragraphs (a)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Employ best management practices to minimize venting of methane emissions as specified in § 60.5390c(c) for each gas well liquids unloading operation.

(ii) Maintain the records specified in § 60.5420c(c)(1)(ii).

(4) If you comply by using § 60.5390c(g), you must comply with paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413c.

(ii) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) to capture all emissions and route all emissions to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c.

(iii) Conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after the initial gas well liquids unloading operation or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e), and comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(iv) Conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(v) Install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(vi) Maintain the records specified in § 60.5420c(c)(1)(iii), (c)(7), and (c)(9) through (12), as applicable and submit the reports as required by § 60.5420c(b)(10) through (12), as applicable.

(b) Associated gas well standards for well designated facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG standards for each associated gas well as required by § 60.5391c, you must comply with paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) If you comply with the requirements of § 60.5391c(a), you must maintain the records specified in § 60.5420c(c)(2)(i) and (ii), as applicable, and submit the information required by § 60.5420c(b)(3)(i) through (v) in your initial annual report.

(2) If you comply with § 60.5391c(b) because you have demonstrated that annual methane emissions are 40 tons per year or less, you must document the calculation of annual methane emissions determined in accordance with § 60.5391c(e)(1) and submit them in the initial annual report as required by paragraph (b)(5) of this section, and comply with paragraphs (b)(4) of this section.

(3) If you comply with § 60.5391c(b) because you have demonstrated that it is not feasible to comply with § 60.5391c(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) due to technical reasons, document the initial demonstration and certification of the technical reason in accordance with § 60.5391c(b)(2), maintain the documentation in accordance with § 60.5391c(b)(2)(iv), and comply with paragraphs (b)(4) of this section. Submit this documentation in the initial annual report as required by paragraph (b)(5) of this section and comply with paragraph (b)(4) of this section.

(4) If you comply with § 60.5391c(b) or (c), you must comply with paragraphs (b)(4)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413c.

(ii) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) to capture the associated gas and route the captured associated gas to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c.

(iii) Conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup or by 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e) and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(iv) Conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(v) Install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(vi) Maintain the records specified in § 60.5420c(c)(2)(ii) and (v) and (c)(7) and (9) through (12), as applicable.

(5) You must submit the initial annual report for your associated gas well at a well designated facility as required in § 60.5420c(b)(1), (3), and (10) through (12), as applicable.

(c) Centrifugal compressor designated facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG standards in § 60.5392c(a)(1) and (2) for your centrifugal compressors (including both wet seal centrifugal compressors and dry seal centrifugal compressors) that require volumetric flow rate measurements, you must comply with paragraphs (c)(1), (6), and (7) of this section. Alternatively, if you comply with the GHG standards for your wet seal and dry seal centrifugal compressor designated facility by reducing methane emissions from each centrifugal compressor wet seal fluid degassing system by 95.0 percent in accordance with § 60.5392c(a)(3) and (4), you must achieve initial compliance by complying with paragraphs (c)(2) through (7) of this section. If you comply with the GHG standards for your wet seal and dry seal centrifugal compressor designated facility by routing emissions from the wet seal fluid degassing system through a closed vent system to a process in accordance with § 60.5392c(a)(5), you must achieve initial compliance by complying with paragraphs (c)(2), (4), (6), and (7) of this section.

(1) You must maintain the volumetric flow rates for your centrifugal compressors as specified in paragraphs (c)(1)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable. You must conduct your initial annual volumetric measurement as required by § 60.5392c(a)(1).

(i) For your wet seal centrifugal compressors (including self-contained wet seal centrifugal compressors), you must maintain the volumetric flow rate at or below 3 scfm per seal.

(ii) For your Alaska North Slope centrifugal compressor equipped with sour seal oil separator and capture system, you must maintain the volumetric flow rate at or below 9 scfm per seal.

(iii) For your dry seal compressor, you must maintain the volumetric flow rate at or below 10 scfm per seal.

(2) If you use a control device to reduce emissions to comply with § 60.5392c(a)(4) or route the emissions to a process to comply with § 60.5392c(a)(5), you must equip the wet seal fluid degassing system or dry seal system with a cover that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(b) and route the captured vapors through a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) and is routed to a control device or process.

(3) If you use a control device to comply with § 60.5392c(a)(4), you must conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup, or by 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e) and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(4) If you use a control device to comply with § 60.5392c(a)(4) or comply with § 60.5392c(a)(5) by routing to a process, you must conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(5) If you use a control device to comply with § 60.5392c(a)(4), you must install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(6) You must submit the initial annual report for your centrifugal compressor designated facility as required in § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (4) and (b)(10) through (12), as applicable.

(7) You must maintain the records as specified in § 60.5420c(c)(3) and (c)(7) through (12), as applicable.

(d) Reciprocating compressor designated facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG standards for each reciprocating compressor designated facility as required by § 60.5393c, you must comply with paragraphs (d)(1) through (7) of this section.

(1) If you comply with § 60.5393c(a) by maintaining volumetric flow rate at or below 2 scfm per cylinder (or a combined cylinder emission flow rate greater than the number of compression cylinders multiplied by 2 scfm) as required by § 60.5393c(a), you must maintain volumetric flow rate at or below 2 scfm and you must conduct your initial annual volumetric flow rate measurement as required by § 60.5393c(a)(1).

(2) If you comply with § 60.5393c by collecting the methane emissions from your reciprocating compressor rod packing using a rod packing emissions collection system to a process as required by § 60.5393c(d)(1), you must equip the reciprocating compressor with a cover that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(b), route emissions to a process through a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c), and you must conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(3) If you comply with § 60.5393c(d) by collecting emissions from your rod packing emissions collection system by using a control device to reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent as required by § 60.5393c(d)(2), you must equip the reciprocating compressor with a cover that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(b), route emissions to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c through a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c), and you must conduct the initial inspections required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(4) If you comply with § 60.5393c(d)(2), you must conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup, or by 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e) and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(5) If you comply with § 60.5393c(d)(2), you must install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(6) You must submit the initial annual report for your reciprocating compressor as required in § 60.5420c(b)(1), (5), and (10) through (12), as applicable.

(7) You must maintain the records as specified in § 60.5420c(c)(4) and (7) through (12), as applicable.

(e) Process controller designated facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with GHG emission standards for your process controller designated facility, you must comply with paragraphs (e)(1) through (5) of this section, as applicable. If you change compliance methods, you must also perform the applicable compliance demonstrations of paragraphs (e)(1) through (3) of this section again for the new compliance method, note the change in compliance method in the annual report required by § 60.5420c(b)(6)(iv), and maintain the records required by paragraph (e)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section, as applicable, for the new compliance method.

(1) For process controller designated facilities complying with the requirements of § 60.5394c(a), you must demonstrate that your process controller designated facility does not emit any methane to the atmosphere by meeting the requirements of paragraphs (e)(1)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) If you comply by routing the emissions to a process, you must meet the requirements for closed vent systems specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(ii) If you comply by using a self-contained natural gas-driven process controller, you must conduct an initial no identifiable emissions inspection required by § 60.5416c(b).

(2) For each process controller designated facility located at a site in Alaska that does not have access to electrical power, you must demonstrate initial compliance with § 60.5394c(b)(1) and (2) or with § 60.5394c(b)(3), as an alternative to complying with paragraph § 60.5394c(a) by meeting the requirements specified in (e)(2)(i) through (v) of this section for each process controller, as applicable.

(i) For each process controller in the process controller designated facility operating with a bleed rate of less than or equal to 6 scfh, you must maintain records in accordance with § 60.5420c(c)(5)(iii)(A) that demonstrate the process controller is designed and operated to achieve a bleed rate less than or equal to 6 scfh.

(ii) For each process controller in the process controller designated facility operating with a bleed rate greater than 6 scfh, you must maintain records that demonstrate that a controller with a higher bleed rate than 6 scfh is required based on a specific functional need for that controller as specified in § 60.5420c(c)(5)(iii)(B).

(iii) For each intermittent vent process controller in the process controller designated facility you must demonstrate that each intermittent vent controller does not emit to the atmosphere during idle periods by conducting initial monitoring in accordance with § 60.5394c(b)(2)(ii).

(iv) For each process controller designated facility that complies by reducing methane emissions from all controllers in the process controller designated facility by 95.0 percent in accordance with § 60.5394c(b)(3), you must comply with paragraphs (e)(2)(iv)(A) through (D) of this section.

(A) Reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413c.

(B) Route all process controller designated facility emissions to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c through a closed vent system that meets the requirements specified in paragraph (e)(3) of this section.

(C) Conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup, or by 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e) and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(D) Install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(3) For each closed vent system used to comply with § 60.5394c, you must meet the requirements specified in paragraphs (e)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section.

(i) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c).

(ii) Conduct the initial inspections of the closed vent system and bypasses, if applicable, as required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(4) You must submit the initial annual report for your process controller designated facility as required in § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (6).

(5) You must maintain the records as specified in § 60.5420c(c)(5).

(f) Pump designated facility. To demonstrate initial compliance with the GHG standards for your pump designated facility as required by § 60.5395c, you must comply with paragraphs (f)(1) through (4) of this section, as applicable. If you change compliance methods, you must also perform the applicable compliance demonstrations of paragraphs (f)(1) and (2) of this section again for the new compliance method, note the change in compliance method in the annual report required by § 60.5420c(b)(9)(v), and maintain the records required by paragraph (f)(4) of this section for the new compliance method.

(1) For pump designated facilities complying with the requirements of § 60.5395c(a) or (b)(2) by routing emissions to a process, you must meet the requirements specified in paragraphs (f)(1)(ii) and (iv) of this section. For pump designated facilities complying with the requirements of § 60.5395c(b)(3), you must meet the requirements specified in paragraphs (f)(1)(i) through (v) of this section.

(i) Reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413c.

(ii) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) to capture all emissions from all pumps in the pump designated facility and route all emissions to a process or control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c.

(iii) Conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup, or by 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e), and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(iv) Conduct the initial inspections of the closed vent system and bypasses, if applicable, as required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(v) Install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(2) Submit the certifications specified in paragraphs (f)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section, as applicable.

(i) The certification required by § 60.5395c(b)(3) that there is no vapor recovery unit on site and that there is a control device on site, but it does not achieve a 95.0 percent emissions reduction.

(ii) The certification required by § 60.5395c(b)(4) that there is no control device or process available on site.

(iii) The certification required by § 60.5395c(b)(7)(i) that it is technically infeasible to capture and route the pump designated facility emissions to a process or an existing control device.

(3) You must submit the initial annual report for your pump designated facility as specified in § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (9) through (12), as applicable.

(4) You must maintain the records for your pump designated facility as specified in § 60.5420c(c)(7) and (9) through (12), as applicable, and (c)(14).

(g) Process unit equipment designated facility. To achieve initial compliance with the GHG standards for process unit equipment designated facilities as required by § 60.5400c, you must comply with paragraphs (g)(1) through (4) and (11) through (15) of this section, unless you meet and comply with the exception in § 60.5402c(b), (e), or (f) or meet the exemption in § 60.5402c(c). If you comply with the GHG standards for process unit equipment designated facilities using the alternative standards in § 60.5401c, you must comply with paragraphs (g)(5) through (15) of this section, unless you meet and comply with the exemption in § 60.5402c(b) or (c) or the exception in § 60.5402c(e) or (f).

(1) You must conduct monitoring for each pump in light liquid service, pressure relief device in gas/vapor service, valve in gas/vapor or light liquid service and connector in gas/vapor or light liquid service as required by § 60.5400c(b).

(2) You must conduct monitoring as required by § 60.5400c(c) for each pump in light liquid service.

(3) You must conduct monitoring as required by § 60.5400c(d) for each pressure relief device in gas/vapor service.

(4) You must comply with the equipment requirements for each open-ended valve or line as required by § 60.5400c(e).

(5) You must conduct monitoring for each pump in light liquid service as required by § 60.5401c(b).

(6) You must conduct monitoring for each pressure relief device in gas/vapor service as required by § 60.5401c(c).

(7) You must comply with the equipment requirements for each open-ended valve or line as required by § 60.5401c(d).

(8) You must conduct monitoring for each valve in gas/vapor or light liquid service as required by § 60.5401c(f).

(9) You must conduct monitoring for each pump, valve, and connector in heavy liquid service and each pressure relief device in light liquid or heavy liquid service as required by § 60.5401c(g).

(10) You must conduct monitoring for each connector in gas/vapor or light liquid service as required by § 60.5401c(h).

(11) For each pump equipped with a dual mechanical seal system that degasses the barrier fluid reservoir to a process or a control device, each pump which captures and transports leakage from the seal or seals to a process or a control device, or each pressure relief device which captures and transports leakage through the pressure relief device to a process or a control device, you must meet the requirements of paragraph (g)(11)(i) through (vi) of this section.

(i) Reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent or greater and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413c or route to a process.

(ii) Install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) to capture all emissions from each pump equipped with a dual mechanical seal system that degasses the barrier fluid reservoir, each pump which captures and transports leakage from the seal or seals, or each pressure relief device which captures and transports leakage through the pressure relief device and route all emissions to a process or to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c.

(iii) If routing to a control device, conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup, or by 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e), and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(iv) Conduct the initial inspections of the closed vent system and bypasses, if applicable, as required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(v) Install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(vi) Maintain the records as required by § 60.5420c(c)(7) and (c)(9) through (12), as applicable and submit the reports as required by § 60.5420c(b)(10) through (12), as applicable.

(12) You must tag and repair each identified leak as required in § 60.5400c(h) or § 60.5401c(i), as applicable.

(13) You must submit the notice required by § 60.5420c(a)(2).

(14) You must submit the initial semiannual report and subsequent semiannual report as required by § 60.5422c.

(15) You must maintain the records specified by § 60.5421c.

(h) Storage vessel designated facility. To achieve initial compliance with the GHG standards for each storage vessel designated facility as required by § 60.5396c, you must comply with paragraphs (h)(1) through (9) of this section. To achieve initial compliance with the GHG standards for each storage vessel designated facility that complies by using a floating roof in accordance with § 60.5396c(b)(2), you must comply with paragraph (h)(1) and (10) of this section.

(1) You must determine the potential for methane emissions as specified in § 60.5386c(e)(2).

(2) You must reduce methane emissions by 95.0 percent or greater according to § 60.5396c(a) and as demonstrated by the requirements of § 60.5413c or route to a process.

(3) If you use a control device to reduce emissions, you must equip each storage vessel in the storage vessel designated facility with a cover that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(b), install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) to capture all emissions from the storage vessel designated facility, and route all emissions to a control device that meets the conditions specified in § 60.5412c. If you route emissions to a process, you must equip each storage vessel in the storage vessel affected facility with a cover that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(b), install a closed vent system that meets the requirements of § 60.5411c(a) and (c) to capture all emissions from the storage vessel affected facility, and route all emissions to a process.

(4) If you use a control device to reduce emissions, you must conduct an initial performance test as required in § 60.5413c within 180 days after initial startup, or within 180 days 36 months after the state plan submittal deadline (as specified in § 60.5362c(c)), whichever date is later, or install a control device tested under § 60.5413c(d) which meets the criteria in § 60.5413c(d)(11) and (e), and you must comply with the continuous compliance requirements of § 60.5415c(e).

(5) You must conduct the initial inspections of the closed vent system and bypasses, if applicable, as required in § 60.5416c(a) and (b).

(6) You must install and operate the continuous parameter monitoring systems in accordance with § 60.5417c(a) through (i), as applicable.

(7) You must maintain the records as required by § 60.5420c(c)(7) through (12), as applicable and submit the reports as required by § 60.5420c(b)(10) through (12), as applicable.

(8) You must submit the initial annual report for your storage vessel designated facility required by § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (7).

(9) You must maintain the records required for your storage vessel designated facility, as specified in § 60.5420c(c)(6) for each storage vessel designated facility.

(10) For each storage vessel designated facility that complies by using a floating roof, you must meet the requirements of § 60.112b(a)(1) or (2) and the relevant monitoring, inspection, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements in subpart Kb of this part. You must submit a statement that you are complying with § 60.112b(d)(a)(1) or (2) in accordance with § 60.5396c(b)(2) with the initial annual report specified in § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (7).

(i) Fugitive emission components designated facility. To achieve initial compliance with the GHG standards for fugitive emissions components designated facilities as required by § 60.5397c, you must comply with paragraphs (i)(1) through (5) of this section.

(1) You must develop a fugitive emissions monitoring plan as required in § 60.5397c(b), (c), and (d).

(2) You must conduct an initial monitoring survey as required in § 60.5397c(e) and (f).

(3) You must repair each identified source of fugitive emissions for each designated facility as required in § 60.5397c(h).

(4) You must submit the initial annual report for each fugitive emissions components designated facility as required in § 60.5420c(b)(1) and (8).

(5) You must maintain the records specified in § 60.5420c(c)(13).

[89 FR 17043, Mar. 8, 2024, as amended at 89 FR 62925, Aug. 1, 2024]