40 CFR § 69.12 - Continuing exemptions.

§ 69.12 Continuing exemptions.

(a) Effective on the expiration date of the initial eighteen month exemption provided under section 325(b) of “the Act”, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) exempts the Guam Power Authority's two sixty-six megawatt oil-fired steam units which comprise the Cabras Power Plant from sulfur dioxide requirements associated with New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) under section 111 of the Clean Air Act and from the related NSPS limitation on sulfur dioxide emissions contained in the Guam SIP.

(b) The exemption will be reviewed at intervals and upon occasions to be specified by EPA (not longer than 2 years), allowing EPA to determine whether the factual circumstances upon which it is based, including commitments made by GPA in the application for extension and the continuing attainment of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Sulfur Dioxide, have changed. The commitments include reporting requirements specified by the Guam Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA), including but not limited to strict implementation of both the monitoring (wind direction and ambient SO2 concentration) and fuel switching portions of the control strategy, reporting to GEPA of all applications of the strategy, and reporting to GEPA of laboratory analyses of percent sulfur in all new fuel stocks acquired GPA. A finding by EPA that the source is not in compliance with the terms of the exemption will be grounds for enforcement of the terms of the exemption under section 113. A finding by EPA that factual circumstances have changed will be grounds for revocation of the exemption and enforcement of the underlying Clean Air Act requirements.

(c) It is a condition of this action that GPA provide to EPA a copy of any GPA application for rate changes or for commercial credit for construction or replacement of capital assets, simultaneously with submission of such application to the rate making authority or commercial credit institution. No later than the 90th day after a finding by EPA that the circumstances upon which the determination for continuing the exemption was originally made have changed, this exemption shall terminate unless within that time GPA submits information that it is taking all practicable steps to comply with NSPS and SIP requirements related to SO2. EPA shall review such information under the procedures it has established and shall, as appropriate, extend or terminate the exemption.