40 CFR § 702.61 - Service of notice.

§ 702.61 Service of notice.

(a) Notice as a prerequisite to suit. Under section 20 of TSCA, no civil action may be commenced by a citizen to restrain a violation of TSCA, or a rule or order thereunder, unless at least 60 days in advance the citizen has given notice of the intent to file suit to the Administrator and to the person who is alleged to have committed the violation. No civil action may be commenced by a citizen to compel the Administrator to perform any non-discretionary act or duty under TSCA, unless at least 60 days in advance the citizen has given notice of the intent to file suit to the Administrator. However, in the case of an alleged failure by the Administrator to file an action under section 7 of TSCA, the citizen must give notice to the Administrator only 10 days in advance of filing the civil action.

(b) Method of service. Notice of intent to file suit can be either personally served or served by certified mail—return receipt requested—to persons identified in paragraph (d) of this section.

(c) Date of service. The effective date of service of a notice given in accordance with this rule shall be the date of the return receipt, if served by mail, or the date of receipt if personally served.

(d) Persons to be served—(1) Violations of TSCA rules or TSCA order.

(i) If the alleged violator is a private individual or a corporation, notice of intent to file suit shall be served on the individual or the owner or managing agent of the plant, facility, or activity alleged to be in violation. If the alleged violator is a corporation, a copy of the notice shall also be sent to the registered agent, if any, of such corporation in the State in which such violation is alleged to have occurred. Notice shall also be served on the Administrator of the EPA.

(ii) If the alleged violator is a State or local government entity, notice of intent to file suit shall be served on the head of the agency. Notice shall also be served on the Administrator of the EPA, and a copy shall be sent to the Attorney General of the United States.

(iii) If the alleged violator is a Federal agency, notice of intent to file suit shall be served on the head of the agency. Notice shall also be served on the Administrator of the EPA, and a copy shall be sent to the Attorney General of the United States.

(2) Performance of non-discretionary TSCA acts or duties. Notice of intent to file suit shall be served on the Administrator of the EPA and a copy shall be sent to the Attorney General of the United States.

(3) Address of persons to be served.

(i) EPA Administrator: 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460. (ii) Attorney General of the United States: 10th and Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20530.