40 CFR § 721.9719 - Tris carbamoyl triazine (generic).

§ 721.9719 Tris carbamoyl triazine (generic).

(a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting.

(1) The chemical substance identified generically as tris carbamoyl triazine (PMN P-95-1098) is subject to reporting under this section for the significant new uses described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. The requirements of this rule do not apply to quantities of the chemical substance after it has been completely reacted (cured).

(2) The significant new uses are:

(i) Protection in the workplace. Requirements as specified in § 721.63 (a)(4), (a)(6)(v), (b) (concentration set at 1.0 percent), and (c). Respirators must provide a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assigned protection factor (APF) of at least 5. As an alternative to the respiratory requirements listed, a manufacturer, importer, or processor may choose to follow the new chemical exposure limit (NCEL) provisions listed in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) section 5(e) consent order for this substance. The NCEL is 1.0 mg/m 3 as an 8-hour time weighted average. Persons who wish to pursue NCELs as an alternative to the § 721.63 respirator requirements may request to do so under § 721.30. Persons whose § 721.30 requests to use the NCELs approach are approved by EPA will receive NCELs provisions comparable to those contained in the corresponding section 5(e) consent order. The following NIOSH-certified respirators meet the requirements for § 721.63(a)(4):

(A) Air purifying, tight-fitting half-face respirator equipped with the appropriate combination cartridges; cartridges should be tested and approved for the gas/vapor substance (i.e., organic vapor, acid gas, or substance-specific cartridge) and should include a particulate filter (N100 if oil aerosols are absent, R100, or P100);

(B) Air purifying, tight-fitting full-face respirator equipped with the appropriate combination cartridges; cartridges should be tested and approved for the gas/vapor substance (i.e., organic vapor, acid gas, or substance-specific cartridge) and should include a particulate filter (N100 if oil aerosols are absent, R100, or P100);

(C) Powered air-purifying respirator equipped with loose-fitting hood or helmet equipped with a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter; powered air-purifying respirator equipped with tight-fitting facepiece (either half-face or full-face) equipped with a HEPA filter;

(D) Supplied-air respirator operated in pressure demand or continuous flow mode and equipped with a hood or helmet, or tight-fitting face piece (either half-face or full-face).

(ii) Hazard communication program. Requirements as specified in § 721.72(a), (b), (c), (d), (e) (concentration set at 1.0 percent), (f), (g)(1)(ii), (g)(1)(iv), (g)(2)(ii), (g)(2)(iv), and (g)(5).

(b) Specific requirements. The provisions of subpart A of this part apply to this section except as modified by this paragraph.

(1) Recordkeeping. Recordkeeping requirements as specified in § 721.125 (a), (b), (c), (d), (f), (g), and (h) are applicable to manufacturers, importers, and processors of this substance.

(2) Limitations or revocation of certain notification requirements. The provisions of § 721.185 apply to this section.

[63 FR 44583, Aug. 20, 1998, as amended at 63 FR 62956, Nov. 10, 1998; 77 FR 6479, Feb. 8, 2012; 77 FR 24409, Apr. 24, 2012]