40 CFR § 725.155 - Information to be included in the MCAN.

§ 725.155 Information to be included in the MCAN.

(a) Each person who is required by this part to submit a MCAN must include the information specified in paragraphs (c) through (h) of this section, to the extent it is known to or reasonably ascertainable by that person. However, no person is required to include information which relates solely to exposure of humans or ecological populations outside of the United States.

(b) Each person should also submit, in writing, all other information known to or reasonably ascertainable by that person that would permit EPA to make a reasoned evaluation of the health and environmental effects of the microorganism, or any microbial mixture or article, including information on its effects on humans, animals, plants, and other microorganisms, and in the environment. The information to be submitted under this subpart includes the information listed in paragraphs (c) through (h) of this section relating to the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of the new microorganism.

(c) Submitter identification.

(1) The name and headquarters address of the submitter.

(2) The name, address, and office telephone number (including area code) of the principal technical contact representing the submitter.

(d) Microorganism identity information. Persons must submit sufficient information to allow the microorganism to be accurately and unambiguously identified for listing purposes as required by § 725.12.

(1) Description of the recipient microorganism and the new microorganism.

(i) Data substantiating the taxonomy of the recipient microorganism and the new microorganism to the level of strain, as appropriate. In lieu of data, EPA will accept a letter from a culture collection substantiating taxonomy, provided EPA, upon request to the submitter, may have access to the data supporting the taxonomic designation.

(ii) Information on the morphological and physiological features of the new microorganism.

(iii) Other specific data by which the new microorganism may be uniquely identified for Inventory purposes.

(2) Genetic construction of the new microorganism.

(i) Data substantiating the taxonomy of the donor organism(s). In lieu of data, EPA will accept a letter from a culture collection substantiating taxonomy, provided EPA, upon request to the submitter, may have access to the data supporting the taxonomic designation.

(ii) Description of the traits for which the new microorganism has been selected or developed and other traits known to have been added or modified.

(iii) A detailed description of the genetic construction of the new microorganism, including the technique used to modify the microorganism (e.g., fusion of cells, injection of DNA, electroporation or chemical poration, or methods used for induced mutation and selection). The description should include, for example, a description of the introduced genetic material, including any regulatory sequences and structural genes and the products of those genes; how the introduced genetic material is expected to affect behavior of the recipient; expression, alteration, and stability of the introduced genetic material; methods for vector construction and introduction; and a description of the regulatory and structural genes that are components of the introduced genetic material, including genetic maps of the introduced sequences.

(3) Phenotypic and ecological characteristics.

(i) Habitat, geographical distribution, and source of the recipient microorganism.

(ii) Survival and dissemination under relevant environmental conditions including a description of methods for detecting the new or recipient microorganism(s) in the environment and the sensitivity limit of detection for these techniques.

(iii) A description of anticipated biological interactions with and effects on target organisms and other organisms such as competitors, prey, hosts, symbionts, parasites, and pathogens; a description of host range; a description of pathogenicity, infectivity, toxicity, virulence, or action as a vector of pathogens; and capacity for genetic transfer under laboratory and relevant environmental conditions.

(iv) A description of anticipated involvement in biogeochemical or biological cycling processes, involvement in rate limiting steps in mineral or nutrient cycling, or involvement in inorganic compounds cycling (such as possible sequestration or transformation of heavy metals).

(e) Byproducts. A description of the byproducts resulting from the manufacture, processing, use, and disposal of the new microorganism.

(f) Total production volume. The estimated maximum amount of the new microorganism intended to be manufactured or imported during the first year of production and the estimated maximum amount to be manufactured or imported during any consecutive 12-month period during the first 3 years of production. This estimate may be by weight or volume and should include an estimation of viability (i.e., viable cells per unit volume or colony forming units per unit dry weight).

(g) Use information. A description of intended categories of use by function and application, the estimated percent of production volume devoted to each category of use, and the percent of the new microorganism in the formulation for each commercial or consumer use.

(h) Worker exposure and environmental release.

(1) For sites controlled by the submitter:

(i) The identity of sites where the new microorganism will be manufactured, processed, or used. For purposes of this section, the site for a person who imports a new microorganism is the site of the operating unit within the person's organization which is directly responsible for importing the new microorganism and which controls the import transaction. The import site may in some cases be the organization's headquarters office in the United States.

(ii) A process description of each manufacture, processing, and use operation, which includes a diagram of the major unit operations and conversions, the identity and entry point of all feedstocks, and the identity of any possible points of release of the new microorganism from the process, including a description of all controls, including engineering controls, used to prevent such releases.

(iii) Worker exposure information, including worker activities, physical form of process streams which contain the new microorganism to which workers may be exposed, the number of workers, and the duration of activities.

(iv) Information on release of the new microorganism to the environment, including the quantity and media of release and type of control technology used.

(v) A narrative description of the intended transport of the new microorganism, including the means of transport, containment methods to be used during transport, and emergency containment procedures to be followed in case of accidental release.

(vi) Procedures for disposal of any articles, waste, clothing, or other equipment involved in the activity, including procedures for inactivation of the new microorganism, containment, disinfection, and disposal of contaminated items.

(2) For sites not controlled by the submitter, a description of each type of processing and use operation involving the new microorganism, including identification of the estimated number of processing or use sites, situations in which worker exposure to and/or environmental release of the new microorganism will occur, the number of workers exposed and the duration of exposure; procedures for transport of the new microorganism and for disposal, including procedures for inactivation of the new microorganism; and control measures which limit worker exposure and environmental release.