40 CFR § 725.470 - EPA review of the Tier II exemption request.

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§ 725.470 EPA review of the Tier II exemption request.

General procedures for review of all submissions under this part are contained in §§ 725.28 through 725.60. In addition, the following procedures apply to EPA review of Tier II exemption requests submitted under this subpart:

(a) Length of the review period. The review period for the request will be 45 days from the date the Document Control Officer for the Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics receives a complete request, or the date EPA determines the request is complete under § 725.33, unless the Agency extends the review period for good cause under § 725.56.

(b) Criteria for review. EPA will review the request to determine that the new microorganism complies with § 725.428 and that its manufacture, processing, use, and disposal as described in the request will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment.

(c) EPA decision regarding the Tier II exemption request. A decision concerning a request under this subpart will be made by the Administrator, or a designee.

(d) Determination that the microorganism is ineligible for a Tier II review.

(1) EPA may determine that the manufacturer or importer is not eligible for Tier II review, because the microorganism does not meet the criteria under § 725.428 or the Administrator, or a designee, decides that there is insufficient information to determine that the conditions of manufacture, processing, use, or disposal of the microorganism as described in the request will not present an unreasonable risk to health or the environment.

(2) If the Agency makes this determination, the Administrator, or a designee will notify the manufacturer or importer by telephone, followed by a letter, that the request has been denied. The letter will explain reasons for the denial.

(3) If the request is denied, the manufacturer or importer may submit the information necessary to constitute a MCAN under subpart D of this part.

(e) Approval or denial of the Tier II exemption request.

(1) No later than 45 days after EPA receives a request, the Agency will either approve or deny the request.

(2) In approving a request, EPA may impose any restrictions necessary to ensure that the microorganism will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health and the environment as a result of general commercial use.

(f) EPA may seek to enjoin the manufacture or import of a microorganism in violation of this subpart, or act to seize any microorganism manufactured or imported in violation of this section or take other actions under the authority of sections 7 or 17 of the Act.

(g) A manufacturer or importer may only proceed after receipt of EPA approval.