40 CFR § 725.60 - Withdrawal of submission by the submitter.

§ 725.60 Withdrawal of submission by the submitter.


(1) Withdrawal of notice by the submitter. A submitter may withdraw a notice during the notice review period by submitting a statement of withdrawal in a manner set forth in this paragraph. The withdrawal is effective upon receipt of the CDX submission by EPA.

(2) Submission of withdrawal notices. EPA will accept statements of withdrawal only if submitted in accordance with this paragraph. Statements of withdrawal must be generated, completed, and submitted to EPA (via CDX) using e-PMN software. See 40 CFR 720.40(a)(2)(ii) for information on how to obtain e-PMN software.

(b) If a manufacturer, importer, or processor who withdrew a submission later resubmits a submission for the same microorganism, a new review period begins.

[62 FR 17932, Apr. 11, 1997, as amended at 75 FR 789, Jan. 6, 2010; 78 FR 72828, Dec. 4, 2013]