40 CFR § 761.208 - Obtaining manifests.

§ 761.208 Obtaining manifests.


(1) A generator may use manifests printed by any source so long as the source of the printed form has received approval from EPA to print the manifest under 40 CFR 262.21 (c) and (e). A registered source may be a:

(i) State agency;

(ii) Commercial printer;

(iii) PCB waste generator, transporter or, designated facility; or

(iv) PCB waste broker or other preparer who prepares or arranges shipments of PCB waste for transportation.

(2) A generator must determine whether the generator state or the consignment state for a shipment regulates PCB waste as a State-regulated hazardous waste. Generators also must determine whether the consignment state or generator state requires the generator to submit any copies of the manifest to these states. In cases where the generator must supply copies to either the generator's state or the consignment state, the generator is responsible for supplying legible photocopies of the manifest to these states.

(b) [Reserved]

[77 FR 54831, Sept. 6, 2012]