40 CFR § 86.000-2 - Definitions.

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§ 86.000-2 Definitions.

The definitions of § 86.098-2 continue to apply to 1998 and later model year vehicles. The definitions listed in this section apply beginning with the 2000 model year.

AC1 means a test procedure as described in § 86.162-00 which simulates testing with air conditioning operating in an environmental test cell by adding the air conditioning compressor load to the normal dynamometer forces.

AC2 means a test procedure as described in § 86.162-00 which simulates testing with air conditioning operating in an environmental test cell by adding a heat load to the passenger compartment.

Alternative fuels means any fuel other than gasoline and diesel fuels, such as methanol, ethanol, and gaseous fuels.

866 Cycle means the test cycle that consists of the last 866 seconds (seconds 505 to 1372) of the EPA Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule, described in § 86.115-00 and listed in appendix I, paragraph (a), of this part.

Environmental test cell means a test cell capable of wind-speed, solar thermal load, ambient temperature, and humidity control or simulation which meets the requirements of § 86.161-00 for running emission tests with the air conditioning operating.

Federal Test Procedure, or FTP means the test procedure as described in § 86.130-00 (a) through (d) and (f) which is designed to measure urban driving tail pipe exhaust emissions and evaporative emissions over the Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule as described in appendix I to this part.

505 Cycle means the test cycle that consists of the first 505 seconds (seconds 1 to 505) of the EPA Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule, described in § 86.115-00 and listed in appendix I, paragraph (a), of this part.

SC03 means the test cycle, described in § 86.160-00 and listed in appendix I, paragraph (h), of this part, which is designed to represent driving immediately following startup.

Supplemental FTP, or SFTP means the additional test procedures designed to measure emissions during aggressive and microtransient driving, as described in § 86.159-00 over the US06 cycle, and also the test procedure designed to measure urban driving emissions while the vehicle's air conditioning system is operating, as described in § 86.160-00 over the SC03 cycle.

US06 means the test cycle, described in § 86.159-00 and listed in appendix I, paragraph (g), of this part, which is designed to evaluate emissions during aggressive and microtransient driving.

[61 FR 54878, Oct. 22, 1996]