40 CFR § 86.1809-01 - Prohibition of defeat devices.

§ 86.1809-01 Prohibition of defeat devices.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 28161, Apr. 18, 2024.

(a) No new light-duty vehicle, light-duty truck, or complete heavy-duty vehicle shall be equipped with a defeat device.

(b) The Administrator may test or require testing on any vehicle at a designated location, using driving cycles and conditions which may reasonably be expected to be encountered in normal operation and use, for the purposes of investigating a potential defeat device.

(c) For cold temperature CO emission control, the Administrator will use a guideline to determine the appropriateness of the CO emission control at ambient temperatures between 25 deg. F (−4 deg. C) and 68 deg. F (20 deg. C). The guideline for CO emission congruity across the intermediate temperature range is the linear interpolation between the CO standard applicable at 25 deg. F (−4 deg. C) and the CO standard applicable at 68 deg. F (20 deg. C). For vehicles that exceed this CO emissions guideline upon intermediate temperature cold testing:

(1) If the CO emission level is greater than the 20 deg. F (−7 deg. C) emission standard, the vehicle will automatically be considered to be equipped with a defeat device without further investigation.

(2) If the CO emission level does not exceed the 20 deg. F emission standard, the Administrator may investigate the vehicle design for the presence of a defeat device under paragraph (d) of this section.

(d) For vehicle designs designated by the Administrator to be investigated for possible defeat devices:

(1) The manufacturer must show to the satisfaction of the Administrator that the vehicle design does not incorporate strategies that unnecessarily reduce emission control effectiveness exhibited during the Federal or Supplemental Federal emissions test procedures (FTP or SFTP) when the vehicle is operated under conditions which may reasonably be expected to be encountered in normal operation and use.

(2) Information requirements:

(i) Upon request by the Administrator, the manufacturer will provide an explanation containing detailed information regarding test programs, engineering evaluations, design specifications, calibrations, on-board computer algorithms, and design strategies incorporated for operation both during and outside of the Federal emission test procedure.

(ii) For purposes of investigations of possible cold temperature CO defeat devices under this paragraph (d), the manufacturer shall provide an explanation which must show, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, that CO emissions are reasonably controlled in reference to the linear guideline, across the intermediate temperature range.

(e) For each test group of Tier 2 LDV/LLDTs and HLDT/ MDPVs and interim non-Tier 2 LDV/LLDTs and HLDT/ MDPVs the manufacturer must submit, with the Part II certification application, an engineering evaluation demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a discontinuity in emissions of non-methane organic gases, carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen and formaldehyde measured on the Federal Test Procedure (subpart B of this part) does not occur in the temperature range of 20 to 86 degrees F. For diesel vehicles, the engineering evaluation must also include particulate emissions.

[64 FR 23925, May 4, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 6853, Feb. 10, 2000; 65 FR 59969, Oct. 6, 2000]