40 CFR § 86.1810-17 - General requirements.

§ 86.1810-17 General requirements.

The following provisions apply to all vehicles certified under this subpart:

(a) Any device, system or element of design installed on or incorporated in a new motor vehicle to enable such vehicle to conform to the standards imposed by this subpart:

(1) Shall not in its operation or function cause the emission into the ambient air of any noxious or toxic substance that would not be emitted in the operation of such vehicle without such system, except as specifically permitted by regulation; and

(2) Shall not in its operation, function or malfunction result in any unsafe condition endangering the vehicle, its occupants, or persons or property in close proximity to the vehicle.

(b) In establishing the physically adjustable range of each adjustable parameter on a new motor vehicle, the manufacturer shall ensure that, taking into consideration the production tolerances, safe vehicle drivability characteristics are available within that range.

(c) Unless otherwise specified, the emission standards of this subpart apply equally for certification and for in-use vehicles throughout the specified useful-life period. Also, manufacturers must use good engineering judgment to determine that all of a vehicle's emission-related components are designed to operate properly throughout the specified useful-life period.

(d) Vehicles may not discharge crankcase emissions into the ambient atmosphere.

(e) All vehicles must have an onboard diagnostic system as described in § 86.1806.

(f) Emission standards apply at low-altitude conditions and at high-altitude conditions, except as noted in this subpart.

(g) The cold temperature standards in this subpart refer to test procedures set forth in subpart C of this part and 40 CFR part 1066, subpart H. All other emission standards in this subpart rely on test procedures set forth in subpart B of this part and 40 CFR part 1066, subpart H. These procedures rely on the test specifications in 40 CFR parts 1065 and 1066 as described in subparts B and C of this part.

(h) Multi-fueled vehicles (including dual-fueled and flexible-fueled vehicles) must comply with all the requirements established for each consumed fuel (and blend of fuels for flexible-fueled vehicles). The following specific provisions apply for flexible-fueled vehicles that operate on ethanol and gasoline:

(1) For criteria exhaust emissions, we may identify the worst-case fuel blend for testing in addition to what is required for gasoline-fueled vehicles. The worst-case fuel blend may be the fuel specified in 40 CFR 1065.725, or it may consist of a combination of the fuels specified in 40 CFR 1065.710(b) and 1065.725. We may waive testing with the worst-case blended fuel for US06 and/or SC03 duty cycles; if we waive only SC03 testing for Tier 3 vehicles, substitute the SC03 emission result using the standard test fuel for gasoline-fueled vehicles to calculate composite SFTP emissions.

(2) For evaporative and refueling emissions, test using the fuel specified in 40 CFR 1065.710(b).

(3) No additional spitback or evaporative emission testing is required beyond the emission measurements with the gasoline test fuel specified in 40 CFR 1065.710.

(i) Where we specify requirements based on a percentage of total sales volume in a given model year, you may instead ask us to calculate the percentage based on production volumes instead of sales volumes.

(j) Small-volume manufacturers that modify a vehicle already certified by a different company may recertify that vehicle under this subpart S based on the vehicle supplier's compliance with fleet average standards for criteria exhaust emissions, evaporative emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions as follows:

(1) The recertifying manufacturer must certify the vehicle at bin levels and family emission limits that are the same as or more stringent than the corresponding bin levels and family emission limits for the vehicle supplier.

(2) The recertifying manufacturer must meet all the standards and requirements described in this subpart S, except for the fleet average standards for criteria exhaust emissions, evaporative emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions.

(3) The vehicle supplier must send the small-volume manufacturer a written statement accepting responsibility to include the subject vehicles in the vehicle supplier's exhaust and evaporative fleet average calculations in §§ 86.1860-17, 86.1864-10, and 86.1865-12.

(4) The small-volume manufacturer must describe in the application for certification how the two companies are working together to demonstrate compliance for the subject vehicles. The application must include the statement from the vehicle supplier described in paragraph (j)(3) of this section.

(5) The vehicle supplier must include a statement that the vehicle supplier is including the small volume manufacturer's sales volume and emissions levels in the vehicle supplier's fleet average reports under §§ 86.1860-17, 86.1864-10, and 86.1865-12.

(k) Gasoline-fueled vehicles must have a restriction in the tank filler inlet that allows inserting nozzles meeting the specifications of 40 CFR 1090.1550(a), but not nozzles with an outside diameter greater than 2.3 centimeters.

[79 FR 23712, Apr. 28, 2014, as amended at 80 FR 9105, Feb. 19, 2015; 88 FR 4478, Jan. 24, 2023; 89 FR 28162, Apr. 18, 2024]