40 CFR § 98.167 - Records that must be retained.

§ 98.167 Records that must be retained.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 31927, Apr. 25, 2024.

In addition to the information required by § 98.3(g), you must retain the records specified in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section for each hydrogen production facility.

(a) If a CEMS is used to measure CO2 emissions, then you must retain under this subpart the records required for the Tier 4 Calculation Methodology in § 98.37.

(b) If a CEMS is not used to measure CO2 emissions, then you must retain records of all analyses and calculations conducted as listed in §§ 98.166(b), (c), and (d).

(c) For units using the calculation methodologies described in § 98.163(b), the records required under § 98.3(g) must include both the company records and a detailed explanation of how company records are used to estimate the following:

(1) Fuel and feedstock consumption, when solid fuel and feedstock is combusted and a CEMS is not used to measure GHG emissions.

(2) Fossil fuel consumption, when, pursuant to § 98.33(e), the owner or operator of a unit that uses CEMS to quantify CO2 emissions and that combusts both fossil and biogenic fuels separately reports the biogenic portion of the total annual CO2 emissions.

(3) Sorbent usage, if the methodology in § 98.33(d) is used to calculate CO2 emissions from sorbent.

(d) The owner or operator must document the procedures used to ensure the accuracy of the estimates of fuel and feedstock usage and sorbent usage (as applicable) in § 98.163(b), including, but not limited to, calibration of weighing equipment, fuel and feedstock flow meters, and other measurement devices. The estimated accuracy of measurements made with these devices must also be recorded, and the technical basis for these estimates must be provided.

(e) Verification software records. You must keep a record of the file generated by the verification software specified in § 98.5(b) for the applicable data specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (12) of this section. Retention of this file satisfies the recordkeeping requirement for the data in paragraphs (e)(1) through (12) of this section.

(1) Indicate whether the monthly consumption of each gaseous fuel or feedstock is measured as mass or volume (Equation P-1 of § 98.163).

(2) Monthly volume of the gaseous fuel or feedstock (scf at standard conditions of 68 °F and atmospheric pressure) (Equation P-1).

(3) Monthly mass of the gaseous fuel or feedstock (kg of fuel or feedstock) (Equation P-1).

(4) Average monthly carbon content of the gaseous fuel or feedstock (kg C per kg of fuel or feedstock) (Equation P-1).

(5) Average monthly molecular weight of the gaseous fuel or feedstock (kg/kg-mole) (Equation P-1).

(6) Indicate whether the monthly consumption of each liquid fuel or feedstock is measured as mass or volume (Equation P-2 of § 98.163).

(7) Monthly volume of the liquid fuel or feedstock (gallons of fuel or feedstock) (Equation P-2).

(8) Monthly mass of the liquid fuel or feedstock (kg of fuel or feedstock) (Equation P-2).

(9) Average monthly carbon content of the liquid fuel or feedstock (kg C per gallon of fuel or feedstock) (Equation P-2).

(10) Average monthly carbon content of the liquid fuel or feedstock (kg C per kg of fuel or feedstock) (Equation P-2).

(11) Monthly mass of solid fuel or feedstock (kg of fuel and feedstock) (Equation P-3 of § 98.163).

(12) Average monthly carbon content of the solid fuel or feedstock (kg C per kg of fuel and feedstock) (Equation P-3).

[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 78 FR 71956, Nov. 29, 2013; 79 FR 63787, Oct. 24, 2014]