40 CFR § 98.346 - Data reporting requirements.

§ 98.346 Data reporting requirements.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 31940, Apr. 25, 2024.

In addition to the information required by § 98.3(c), each annual report must contain the following information for each landfill.

(a) A classification of the landfill as “open” (actively received waste in the reporting year) or “closed” (no longer receiving waste), the year in which the landfill first started accepting waste for disposal, the last year the landfill accepted waste (for open landfills, enter the estimated year of landfill closure), the capacity (in metric tons) of the landfill, an indication of whether leachate recirculation is used during the reporting year and its typical frequency of use over the past 10 years (e.g., used several times a year for the past 10 years, used at least once a year for the past 10 years, used occasionally but not every year over the past 10 years, not used), an indication as to whether scales are present at the landfill, and the waste disposal quantity for each year of landfilling required to be included when using Equation HH-1 of this subpart (in metric tons, wet weight).

(b) Method for estimating reporting year and historical waste disposal quantities, reason for its selection, and the range of years it is applied. For years when waste quantity data are determined using the methods in § 98.343(a)(3), report separately the quantity of waste determined using the methods in § 98.343(a)(3)(i) and the quantity of waste determined using the methods in § 98.343(a)(3)(ii). For historical waste disposal quantities that were not determined using the methods in § 98.343(a)(3), provide the population served by the landfill for each year the Equation HH-2 of this subpart is applied, if applicable, or, for open landfills using Equation HH-3 of this subpart, provide the value of landfill capacity (LFC) used in the calculation.

(c) Waste composition for each year required for Equation HH-1 of this subpart, in percentage by weight, for each waste category listed in Table HH-1 to this subpart that is used in Equation HH-1 of this subpart to calculate the annual modeled CH4 generation.

(d) For each waste type used to calculate CH4 generation using Equation HH-1 of this subpart, you must report:

(1) Degradable organic carbon (DOC) and fraction of DOC dissimilated (DOCF) values used in the calculations.

(2) Decay rate (k) value used in the calculations.

(e) Fraction of CH4 in landfill gas (F), an indication of whether the fraction of CH4 was determined based on measured values or the default value, and the methane correction factor (MCF) used in the calculations. If an MCF other than the default of 1 is used, provide an indication of whether active aeration of the waste in the landfill was conducted during the reporting year, a description of the aeration system, including aeration blower capacity, the fraction of the landfill containing waste affected by aeration, the total number of hours during the year the aeration blower was operated, and other factors used as a basis for the selected MCF value.

(f) The surface area of the landfill containing waste (in square meters), identification of the type(s) of cover material used (as either organic cover, clay cover, sand cover, or other soil mixtures).

(g) The modeled annual methane generation rate for the reporting year (metric tons CH4) calculated using Equation HH-1 of this subpart.

(h) For landfills without gas collection systems, the annual methane emissions (i.e., the methane generation, adjusted for oxidation, calculated using Equation HH-5 of this subpart), reported in metric tons CH4, the oxidation fraction used in the calculation, and an indication of whether passive vents and/or passive flares (vents or flares that are not considered part of the gas collection system as defined in § 98.6) are present at this landfill.

(i) For landfills with gas collection systems, you must report:

(1) Total volumetric flow of landfill gas collected for destruction for the reporting year (cubic feet at 520 °R or 60 degrees Fahrenheit and 1 atm).

(2) Annual average CH4 concentration of landfill gas collected for destruction (percent by volume).

(3) Monthly average temperature and pressure for each month at which flow is measured for landfill gas collected for destruction, or statement that temperature and/or pressure is incorporated into internal calculations run by the monitoring equipment.

(4) An indication as to whether flow was measured on a wet or dry basis, an indication as to whether CH4 concentration was measured on a wet or dry basis, and if required for Equation HH-4 of this subpart, monthly average moisture content for each month at which flow is measured for landfill gas collected for destruction.

(5) An indication of whether destruction occurs at the landfill facility, off-site, or both. If destruction occurs at the landfill facility, also report for each measurement location:

(i) The number of destruction devices associated with the measurement location.

(ii) The annual operating hours of the gas collection system associated with the measurement location.

(iii) For each destruction device associated with the measurement location, report:

(A) The destruction efficiency (decimal).

(B) The annual operating hours where active gas flow was sent to the destruction device.

(6) Annual quantity of recovered CH4 (metric tons CH4) calculated using Equation HH-4 of this subpart for each measurement location.

(7) A description of the gas collection system (manufacturer, capacity, and number of wells), the surface area (square meters) and estimated waste depth (meters) for each area specified in Table HH-3 to this subpart, the estimated gas collection system efficiency for landfills with this gas collection system and an indication of whether passive vents and/or passive flares (vents or flares that are not considered part of the gas collection system as defined in § 98.6) are present at the landfill.

(8) Methane generation corrected for oxidation calculated using Equation HH-5 of this subpart, reported in metric tons CH4, and the oxidation fraction used in the calculation.

(9) Methane generation (GCH4) value used as an input to Equation HH-6 of this subpart. Specify whether the value is modeled (GCH4 from HH-1 of this subpart) or measured (R from Equation HH-4 of this subpart).

(10) Methane generation corrected for oxidation calculated using Equation HH-7 of this subpart, reported in metric tons CH4, and the oxidation fraction used in the calculation.

(11) Methane emissions calculated using Equation HH-6 of this subpart, reported in metric tons CH4, and the oxidation fraction used in the calculation.

(12) Methane emissions calculated using Equation HH-8 of this subpart, reported in metric tons CH4, and the oxidation fraction used in the calculation.

(13) Methane emissions for the landfill (i.e., the subpart HH total methane emissions). Choose the methane emissions from either Equation HH-6 or Equation HH-8 of this subpart that best represents the emissions from the landfill. If the quantity of recovered CH4 from Equation HH-4 of this subpart is used as the value of GCH4 in Equation HH-6, use the methane emissions calculated using Equation HH-8 as the methane emissions for the landfill.

[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 66472, Oct. 28, 2010; 78 FR 71970, Nov. 29, 2013; 81 FR 89266, Dec. 9, 2016]