40 CFR § 98.423 - Calculating CO2 supply.

§ 98.423 Calculating CO2 supply.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 31943, Apr. 25, 2024.

(a) Except as allowed in paragraph (b) of this section, calculate the annual mass of CO2 captured, extracted, imported, or exported through each flow meter in accordance with the procedures specified in either paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section. If multiple flow meters are used, you shall calculate the annual mass of CO2 for all flow meters according to the procedures specified in paragraph (a)(3) of this section.

(1) For each mass flow meter, you shall calculate quarterly the mass of CO2 in a CO2 stream in metric tons by multiplying the mass flow by the composition data, according to Equation PP-1 of this section. Mass flow and composition data measurements shall be made in accordance with § 98.424 of this subpart.

CO 2 , u = p = 1 4 Q p , u * C CO 2 , p , u (Eq. PP-1)

CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) through flow meter u.
CCO2,p,u = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter u in quarter p (wt. %CO2).
Qp,u = Quarterly mass flow rate measurement for flow meter u in quarter p (metric tons).
p = Quarter of the year.
u = Flow meter.

(2) For each volumetric flow meter, you shall calculate quarterly the mass of CO2 in a CO2 stream in metric tons by multiplying the volumetric flow by the concentration and density data, according to Equation PP-2 of this section. Volumetric flow, concentration and density data measurements shall be made in accordance with § 98.424 of this section.

CO 2 , u = p = 1 4 Q p * D P * C CO 2 , p (Eq. PP-2)

CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) through flow meter u.
CCO2,p = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement in flow for flow meter u in quarter p (measured as either volume % CO2 or weight % CO2).
Qp = Quarterly volumetric flow rate measurement for flow meter u in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
Dp = Density of CO2 in quarter p (metric tons CO2 per standard cubic meter) for flow meter u if CCO2,p is measured as volume % CO2, or density of the whole CO2 stream for flow meter u (metric tons per standard cubic meter) if CCO2,p is measured as weight % CO2.
p = Quarter of the year.
u = Flow meter.

(3) To aggregate data, use either Equation PP-3a or PP-3b in this paragraph, as appropriate.

(i) For facilities with production process units or production wells that capture or extract a CO2 stream and either measure it after segregation or do not segregate the flow, calculate the total CO2 supplied in accordance with Equation PP-3a in paragraph (a)(3).

CO 2 = p = 1 U CO 2 , u (Eq. PP-3a)

CO2 = Total annual mass of CO2 (metric tons).
CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) through flow meter u.
u = Flow meter.

(ii) For facilities with production process units that capture a CO2 stream and measure it ahead of segregation, calculate the total CO2 supplied in accordance with Equation PP-3b.

CO 2 = p = 1 U CO 2 , u p = 1 V CO 2 , v (Eq. PP-3b)

CO2 = Total annual mass of CO2 (metric tons).
CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) through main flow meter u.
CO2,v = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) through subsequent flow meter v for use on site.
u = Main flow meter.
v = Subsequent flow meter.

(b) As an alternative to paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of this section for CO2 that is supplied in containers, calculate the annual mass of CO2 supplied in containers delivered by each CO2 stream in accordance with the procedures specified in either paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section. If multiple CO2 streams are used to deliver CO2 to containers, you shall calculate the annual mass of CO2 supplied in containers delivered by all CO2 streams according to the procedures specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section.

(1) For each CO2 stream that delivers CO2 to containers, for which mass is measured, you shall calculate CO2 supply in containers using Equation PP-1 of this section.

CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) supplied in containers delivered by CO2 stream u.
CCO2,p,u = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement of CO2 stream u that delivers CO2 to containers in quarter p (wt. %CO2).
Qp,u = Quarterly mass of contents supplied in all containers delivered by CO2 stream u in quarter p (metric tons).
p = Quarter of the year.
u = CO2 stream that delivers to containers.

(2) For each CO2 stream that delivers to containers, for which volume is measured, you shall calculate CO2 supply in containers using Equation PP-2 of this section.

CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) supplied in containers delivered by CO2 stream u.
CCO2,p = Quarterly CO2 concentration measurement of CO2 stream u that delivers CO2 to containers in quarter p (measured as either volume % CO2 or weight % CO2).
Qp = Quarterly volume of contents supplied in all containers delivered by CO2 stream u in quarter p (standard cubic meters).
Dp = Quarterly CO2 density determination for CO2 stream u in quarter p (metric tons per standard cubic meter) if CO2,p is measured as volume % CO2, or density of CO2 stream u (metric tons per standard cubic meter) if CO2,p is measured as weight % CO2.
p = Quarter of the year.
u = CO2 stream that delivers to containers.

(3) To aggregate data, sum the mass of CO2 supplied in containers delivered by all CO2 streams in accordance with Equation PP-3a of this section.

CO2 = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) supplied in containers delivered by all CO2 streams.
CO2,u = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons) supplied in containers delivered by CO2 stream u.
u = CO2 stream that delivers to containers.

(c) Importers or exporters that import or export CO2 in containers shall calculate the total mass of CO2 imported or exported in metric tons based on summing the mass in each CO2 container using weigh bills, scales, or load cells according to Equation PP-4 of this section.

CO 2 = p = 1 I Q (Eq. PP-4)

CO2 = Annual mass of CO2 (metric tons).
Q = Annual mass in all CO2 containers imported or exported during the reporting year (metric tons).
[74 FR 56374, Oct. 30, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 79169, Dec. 17, 2010; 78 FR 71977, Nov. 29, 2013]