40 CFR Appendix Table 1 to Subpart AA of Part 63 - Table 1 to Subpart AA of Part 63—Existing Source Emission Limits a b

Table 1 to Subpart AA of Part 63—Existing Source Emission Limits a b
For the following existing sources . . . You must meet the emission limits for the specified pollutant . . .
Total fluorides Total particulate Mercury
Wet-Process Phosphoric Acid Line 0.020 lb/ton of equivalent P2O5 feed
Superphosphoric Acid Process Line c 0.010 lb/ton of equivalent P2O5 feed
Superphosphoric Acid Process Line with a Submerged Combustion Process 0.20 lb/ton of equivalent P2O5 feed
Phosphate Rock Dryer 0.2150 lb/ton of phosphate rock feed
Phosphate Rock Calciner 9.0E-04 lb/ton of rock feed d 0.181 g/dscm 0.23 mg/dscm corrected to 3-percent oxygen e

a The existing source compliance data is June 10, 2002, except as noted.

b During periods of startup and shutdown, for emission limits stated in terms of pounds of pollutant per ton of feed, you are subject to the work practice standards specified in § 63.602(f).

c Beginning on August 19, 2018, you must include oxidation reactors in superphosphoric acid process lines when determining compliance with the total fluorides limit.

d Compliance date is August 19, 2015.

e Compliance date November 3, 2020.

[85 FR 69512, Nov. 3, 2020]