40 CFR Appendix Table 2 to Subpart SSSS of Part 63 - Table 2 to Subpart SSSS of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart SSSS

Table 2 to Subpart SSSS of Part 63—Applicability of General Provisions to Subpart SSSS

You must comply with the applicable General Provisions requirements according to the following table:

General provisions reference Subject Applicable to subpart SSSS Explanation
§ 63.1(a)(1)-(4) General Applicability Yes
§ 63.1(a)(6) Source Category Listing Yes
§ 63.1(a)(10)-(12) Timing and Overlap Clarifications Yes
§ 63.1(b)(1) Initial Applicability Determination Yes Applicability to Subpart SSSS is also specified in § 63.5090.
§ 63.1(b)(3) Applicability Determination Recordkeeping Yes
§ 63.1(c)(1) Applicability after Standard Established Yes
§ 63.1(c)(2) Applicability of Permit Program for Area Sources Yes
§ 63.1(c)(5) Extensions and Notifications Yes
§ 63.1(c)(6) Yes
§ 63.1(e) Applicability of Permit Program Before Relevant Standard is Set Yes
§ 63.2 Definitions Yes Additional definitions are specified in § 63.5110.
§ 63.3 Units and Abbreviations Yes
§ 63.4(a)(1)-(2) Prohibited Activities Yes
§ 63.4(b)-(c) Circumvention/Fragmentation Yes
§ 63.5(a) Construction/Reconstruction Yes
§ 63.5(b)(1), (3), (4), (6) Requirements for Existing, Newly Constructed, and Reconstructed Sources Yes
§ 63.5(d)(1)(i)-(ii)(F), (d)(1)(ii)(H), (d)(1)(ii)(J), (d)(1)(iii), (d)(2)-(4) Application for Approval of Construction/Reconstruction Yes Only total HAP emissions in terms of tons per year are required for § 63.5(d)(1)(ii)(H).
§ 63.5(e) Approval of Construction/Reconstruction Yes
§ 63.5(f) Approval of Construction/Reconstruction Based on Prior State Review Yes
§ 63.6(a) Compliance with Standards and Maintenance Requirements-Applicability Yes
§ 63.6(b)(1)-(5), (b)(7) Compliance Dates for New and Reconstructed Sources Yes Section 63.5130 specifies the compliance dates.
§ 63.6(c)(1), (2), (5) Compliance Dates for Existing Sources Yes Section 63.5130 specifies the compliance dates.
§ 63.6(e)(1)(i)-(ii) General Duty to Minimize Emissions and Requirement to Correct Malfunctions As Soon As Possible Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 See § 63.5140(b) for general duty requirement.
§ 63.6(e)(1)(iii) Operation and Maintenance Requirements Yes
§ 63.6(e)(3)(i), (e)(3)(iii)-(ix) SSMP Requirements Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020
§ 63.6(f)(1) SSM Exemption Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 See § 63.5140(b) for general duty requirement.
§ 63.6(f)(2)-(3) Compliance with Non-Opacity Emission Standards Yes
§ 63.6(g) Alternative Non-Opacity Emission Standard Yes
§ 63.6(h) Compliance with Opacity/Visible Emission Standards No Subpart SSSS does not establish opacity standards or visible emission standards.
§ 63.6(i)(1)-(14), (i)(16) Extension of Compliance and Administrator's Authority Yes
§ 63.6(j) Presidential Compliance Exemption Yes
§ 63.7(a)-(d) except (a)(2)(i)-(viii) Performance Test Requirements Yes
§ 63.7(e)(1) Performance Testing Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 See § 63.5160(d)(2).
§ 63.7(e)(2)-(4) Conduct of Performance Tests Yes
§ 63.7(f) Alternative Test Method Yes EPA retains approval authority.
§ 63.7(g)-(h) Data Analysis and Waiver of Tests Yes
§ 63.8(a)(1)-(2) Monitoring Requirements—Applicability Yes Additional requirements for monitoring are specified in § 63.5150(a).
§ 63.8(a)(4) Additional Monitoring Requirements No Subpart SSSS does not have monitoring requirements for flares.
§ 63.8(b) Conduct of Monitoring Yes
§ 63.8(c)(1) Operation and Maintenance of Continuous Monitoring System (CMS) Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 Section 63.5150(a) specifies the requirements for the operation of CMS for capture systems and add-on control devices at sources using these to comply.
§ 63.8(c)(2)-(3) CMS Operation and Maintenance Yes Applies only to monitoring of capture system and add-on control device efficiency at sources using these to comply with the standards. Additional requirements for CMS operations and maintenance are specified in § 63.5170.
§ 63.8(c)(4)-(5) CMS Continuous Operation Procedures No Subpart SSSS does not require COMS.
§ 63.8(c)(6)-(8) CMS Requirements Yes Provisions only apply if CEMS are used.
§ 63.8(d)-(e) CMS Quality Control, Written Procedures, and Performance Evaluation Yes Provisions only apply if CEMS are used.
§ 63.8(f)(1)-(5) Use of an Alternative Monitoring Method Yes EPA retains approval authority.
§ 63.8(f)(6) Alternative to Relative Accuracy Test No Section 63.8(f)(6) provisions are not applicable because subpart SSSS does not require CEMS.
§ 63.8(g) Data Reduction No Sections 63.5170, 63.5140, 63.5150, and 63.5150 specify monitoring data reduction.
§ 63.9(a) Notification of Applicability Yes
§ 63.9(b)(1) Initial Notifications Yes
§ 63.9(b)(2) Initial Notifications Yes With the exception that § 63.5180(b)(1) provides 2 years after the proposal date for submittal of the initial notification for existing sources.
§ 63.9(b)(4)(i), (b)(4)(v), (b)(5) Application for Approval of Construction or Reconstruction Yes
§ 63.9(c)-(e) Request for Extension of Compliance, New Source Notification for Special Compliance Requirements, and Notification of Performance Test Yes Notification of performance test requirement applies only to capture system and add-on control device performance tests at sources using these to comply with the standards.
§ 63.9(f) Notification of Visible Emissions/Opacity Test No Subpart SSSS does not require opacity and visible emissions observations.
§ 63.9(g) Additional Notifications When Using CMS No Provisions for COMS are not applicable.
§ 63.9(h)(1)-(3) Notification of Compliance Status Yes Section 63.5130 specifies the dates for submitting the notification of compliance status.
§ 63.9(h)(5)-(6) Clarifications Yes
§ 63.9(i) Adjustment of Submittal Deadlines Yes
§ 63.9(j) Change in Previous Information Yes
§ 63.9(k) Yes Only as specified in § 63.9(j)
§ 63.10(a) Recordkeeping/Reporting—Applicability and General Information Yes
§ 63.10(b)(1) General Recordkeeping Requirements Yes Additional requirements are specified in § 63.5190.
§ 63.10(b)(2)(i)-(ii) Recordkeeping of Occurrence and Duration of Startups and Shutdowns and Recordkeeping of Failures to Meet Standards Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 See § 63.5190(a)(5).
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iii) Maintenance Records Yes
§ 63.10(b)(2)(iv)-(v) Actions Taken to Minimize Emissions During Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 See § 63.5190(a)(5).
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vi) Recordkeeping for CMS Malfunctions Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020 See § 63.5190(a)(5).
§ 63.10(b)(2)(vii)-(xiv) Other CMS Requirements Yes
§ 63.10(b)(3) Recordkeeping Requirements for Applicability Determinations Yes
§ 63.10(c) Additional CMS Recordkeeping Requirements No See § 63.5190(a)(5).
§ 63.10(d)(1)-(2) General Reporting Requirements and Report of Performance Test Results Yes Additional requirements are specified in § 63.5180(e).
§ 63.10(d)(3) Reporting Opacity or Visible Emissions Observations No Subpart SSSS does not require opacity and visible emissions observations.
§ 63.10(d)(4) Progress Reports for Sources with Compliance Extensions Yes
§ 63.10(d)(5) Startup, Shutdown, Malfunction Reports Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020
§ 63.10(e) Additional Reporting Requirements for Sources with CMS No
§ 63.10(f) Recordkeeping/Reporting Waiver Yes
§ 63.11 Control Device Requirements/Flares No Subpart SSSS does not specify use of flares for compliance.
§ 63.12 State Authority and Delegations Yes
§ 63.13(a) Addresses Yes before August 24, 2020, No on and after August 24, 2020
§ 63.13(b) Submittal to State Agencies Yes
§ 63.13(c) Submittal to State Agencies Yes before August 24, 2020, No unless the state requires the submittal via CEDRI, on and after August 24, 2020
§ 63.14 Incorporation by Reference Yes Subpart SSSS includes provisions for alternative ASTM and ASME test methods that are incorporated by reference.
§ 63.15 Availability of Information/Confidentiality Yes
[85 FR 10868, Feb. 25, 2020, as amended at 85 FR 73908, Nov. 19, 2020]