40 CFR Appendix Table F-3 to Subpart F of Part 53 - Table F-3 to Subpart F of Part 53—Critical Parameters of Idealized Ambient Particle Size Distributions

Table F-3 to Subpart F of Part 53—Critical Parameters of Idealized Ambient Particle Size Distributions
Idealized Distribution Fine Particle Mode Coarse Particle Mode PM 2.5/PM 10 Ratio FRM Sampler Expected Mass Conc. (µg/m 3)
MMD (µm) Geo. Std. Dev. Conc. (µg/m 3) MMD (µm) Geo. Std. Dev. Conc. (µg/m 3)
Coarse 0.50 2 12.0 10 2 88.0 0.27 13.814
“Typical” 0.50 2 33.3 10 2 66.7 0.55 34.284
Fine 0.85 2 85.0 15 2 15.0 0.94 78.539