40 CFR Subpart C - Subpart C—Measurement Instruments

  1. § 1065.201 Overview and general provisions.
  2. § 1065.202 Data updating, recording, and control.
  3. § 1065.205 Performance specifications for measurement instruments.
  4. Measurement of Engine Parameters and Ambient Conditions (§§ 1065.210 - 1065.215)
    1. § 1065.210 Work input and output sensors.
    2. § 1065.215 Pressure transducers, temperature sensors, and dewpoint sensors.
  5. CO and CO2 Measurements (§ - )
  6. § 1065.250 Nondispersive infrared analyzer.
  7. § 1065.255 xxx
  8. § 1065.257 xxx
  9. NOX and N2O Measurements (§ - )
  10. § 1065.270 Chemiluminescent detector.
  11. § 1065.272 Nondispersive ultraviolet analyzer.
  12. § 1065.274 Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) NOX analyzer.
  13. § 1065.275 N2O measurement devices.
  14. § 1065.277 xxx
  15. O2 Measurements (§ - )
  16. § 1065.280 Paramagnetic and magnetopneumatic O2 detection analyzers.
  17. Air-to-Fuel Ratio Measurements (§ - )
  18. § 1065.284 Zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) air-fuel ratio and O2 analyzer.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 29795, Apr. 22, 2024.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 29796, Apr. 22, 2024.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 29797, Apr. 22, 2024.
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 29797, Apr. 22, 2024.