40 CFR Subpart KK - Subpart KK—Ohio
- § 52.1870 Identification of plan.
- § 52.1871 Classification of regions.
- § 52.1872 [Reserved]
- § 52.1873 Approval status.
- § 52.1874 [Reserved]
- § 52.1875 Attainment dates for achieving the sulfur dioxide secondary standard.
- § 52.1876 Control strategy: Nitrogen dioxide.
- § 52.1877 Control strategy: Photochemical oxidants (hydrocarbons).
- § 52.1878 [Reserved]
- § 52.1879 Review of new sources and modifications.
- § 52.1880 Control strategy: Particulate matter.
- § 52.1881 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide).
- § 52.1882 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides?
- § 52.1883 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide?
- § 52.1884 [Reserved]
- § 52.1885 Control strategy: Ozone.
- § 52.1886 [Reserved]
- § 52.1887 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
- § 52.1888 Operating permits.
- § 52.1889 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
- §§ 52.1890-52.1891 [Reserved]
- § 52.1892 Determination of attainment.
- § 52.1893 Control strategy: Lead (Pb).
- § 52.1894 Original Identification of plan section.