40 CFR Subpart DDDDD - Subpart DDDDD—CSAPR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program

  1. § 97.701 Purpose.
  2. § 97.702 Definitions.
  3. § 97.703 Measurements, abbreviations, and acronyms.
  4. § 97.704 Applicability.
  5. § 97.705 Retired unit exemption.
  6. § 97.706 Standard requirements.
  7. § 97.707 Computation of time.
  8. § 97.708 Administrative appeal procedures.
  9. § 97.709 [Reserved]
  10. § 97.710 State SO2 Group 2 trading budgets, new unit set-asides, Indian country new unit set-asides, and variability limits.
  11. § 97.711 Timing requirements for CSAPR SO2 Group 2 allowance allocations.
  12. § 97.712 CSAPR SO2 Group 2 allowance allocations to new units.
  13. § 97.713 Authorization of designated representative and alternate designated representative.
  14. § 97.714 Responsibilities of designated representative and alternate designated representative.
  15. § 97.715 Changing designated representative and alternate designated representative; changes in owners and operators; changes in units at the source.
  16. § 97.716 Certificate of representation.
  17. § 97.717 Objections concerning designated representative and alternate designated representative.
  18. § 97.718 Delegation by designated representative and alternate designated representative.
  19. § 97.719 [Reserved]
  20. § 97.720 Establishment of compliance accounts, assurance accounts, and general accounts.
  21. § 97.721 Recordation of CSAPR SO2 Group 2 allowance allocations and auction results.
  22. § 97.722 Submission of CSAPR SO2 Group 2 allowance transfers.
  23. § 97.723 Recordation of CSAPR SO2 Group 2 allowance transfers.
  24. § 97.724 Compliance with CSAPR SO2 Group 2 emissions limitation.
  25. § 97.725 Compliance with CSAPR SO2 Group 2 assurance provisions.
  26. § 97.726 Banking.
  27. § 97.727 Account error.
  28. § 97.728 Administrator's action on submissions.
  29. § 97.729 [Reserved]
  30. § 97.730 General monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements.
  31. § 97.731 Initial monitoring system certification and recertification procedures.
  32. § 97.732 Monitoring system out-of-control periods.
  33. § 97.733 Notifications concerning monitoring.
  34. § 97.734 Recordkeeping and reporting.
  35. § 97.735 Petitions for alternatives to monitoring, recordkeeping, or reporting requirements.
76 FR 48458, Aug. 8, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
Editorial Note:
Nomenclature changes appear at 81 FR 74618, Oct. 26, 2016.