41 CFR § 101-26.501-3 - Consolidated purchase program.

§ 101-26.501-3 Consolidated purchase program.

(a) Except as noted in § 101-26.501(a) and where motor vehicle requirements can not be satisfied under the standardized buying programs described in § 101-26.501-2, GSA will continue to make consolidated procurements of all motor vehicle types each year to achieve maximum benefits and economies, as follows:

(1) Family buys—Large annual consolidated buys for sedans, station wagons, and standard light trucks, purchased in the aggregate by group to the extent practical. These procurements are designed to obtain the best market prices available and are normally definite quantity type with maximum option potential. It is anticipated that resulting contracts will remain in place from approximately mid-November to approximately May 1 (or end of model year closeout).

(2) Two (2) volume procurements each year for light trucks of the types covered by Federal standard Nos. 292 and 307, but not covered by standardized buying programs or family buys, as previously described. Requisitions to be included under these two procurements should reach the GSA Automotive Commodity Center by June 15 and December 1 respectively.

(3) Up to three (3) consolidated procurements for medium and heavy trucks and buses of the types covered by Federal standard No. 794, Federal specification Nos. KKK-T-2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, and Federal specification No. KKK-B-1579.

(b) Requirements not covered by Federal standards 122, 292, 307, or 794 shall conform with the provisions of § 101-26.501-4.

[57 FR 47777, Oct. 20, 1992]