41 CFR § 101-26.703 - Marginally punched continuous forms.

§ 101-26.703 Marginally punched continuous forms.

GSA has delegated authority to the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) to procure all marginally punched continuous forms for use by Federal agencies except those procured by GSA for stock. Therefore, all Federal agencies shall submit their requirements for such forms in accordance with the provisions of this § 101-26.703.

(a) Except for those marginally punched continuous forms which GSA procures for stock, all requirements for such forms shall be ordered from GPO contracts or other established GPO sources. If an item is available from GSA stock, acquisition shall be from this source.

(b) Requirements for marginally punched continuous forms which are not available from GPO or GSA sources or which exceed the maximum monetary limitations of the GPO contract shall be submitted to GPO for appropriate action. If requirements are less than the minimum orders/shipment limitations of the GPO contract, agencies may procure them directly from commercial sources.

[39 FR 20600, June 12, 1974]