41 CFR § 101-39.106 - Unlimited exemptions.

§ 101-39.106 Unlimited exemptions.

Unlimited exemptions from inclusion in the fleet management system are granted to the specific organizational units or activities of executive agencies listed below. Unlimited exemptions do not preclude agencies from requesting fleet management services, if available, under optional use arrangements. Such optional use services must be authorized under the provisions of Executive Order 10579 and 40 U.S.C. 472.

(a) Any motor vehicle regularly used by an agency in the performance of investigative, law enforcement, or intelligence duties if the head of that agency or designee makes a determination, in writing (a copy of which shall be forwarded to the Administrator of General Services), that the exclusive control of such vehicles is essential to the effective performance of those duties. Vehicles regularly used for common administrative purposes not directly connected with the performance of law enforcement, investigative, or intelligence duties shall not be exempted from inclusion.

(b) Motor vehicles designed or used for military field training, combat, or tactical purposes, or used principally within the confines of a regularly established military installation.

(c) Any motor vehicle exempted from the display of conspicuous identification by the Administrator, GSA, when identification as a Government vehicle would interfere with the purpose for which it is acquired and used.

(d) Unless inclusion is mutually agreed upon by the Administrator, GSA, and the head of the agency concerned:

(1) Motor vehicles for the use of the heads of the executive agencies, ambassadors, ministers, charges d'affaires, and other principal diplomatic and consular officials.

(2) Motor vehicles regularly and principally used for the transportation of diplomats and representatives of foreign countries or by officers of the Department of State for the conduct of official business with representatives of foreign countries.

(3) Motor vehicles regularly used by the United States Postal Service for the distribution and transportation of mail.

[51 FR 11023, Apr. 1, 1986, as amended at 56 FR 59888, Nov. 26, 1991]