41 CFR § 101-6.205-3 - Elementary and secondary schools.

§ 101-6.205-3 Elementary and secondary schools.

The requirements of §§ 101-6.205-1 and 101-6.205-2 with respect to any elementary or secondary school or school system shall be deemed to be satisfied if such school or school system (a) Is subject to a final order of a court of the United States for the desegregation of such school or school system, and provides an assurance that it will comply with such order, including any future modification of such order, or (b) submits a plan for the desegregation of such school or school system which the responsible official of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare determines is adequate to accomplish the purposes of the Act and this subpart within the earliest practicable time, and provides reasonable assurance that it will carry out such plan. In any case of continuing Federal financial assistance such responsible official may reserve the right to redetermine, after such period as may be specified by him, the adequacy of the plan to accomplish the purposes of the Act and this subpart. In any case in which a final order of a court of the United States for the desegregation of such school or school system is entered after submission of such a plan, such plan shall be revised to conform to such final order, including any future modification of such order.

[38 FR 17974, July 5, 1973]