41 CFR § 101-6.206 - Illustrative applications.

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§ 101-6.206 Illustrative applications.

The following examples will illustrate the application of the foregoing provisions of this subpart to certain programs for which Federal financial assistance is extended by GSA (in all cases the discrimination prohibited is discrimination on the ground of race, color, or national origin, prohibited by title VI of the Act and this subpart):

(a) In the programs involving the transfer of surplus property for airport, park or recreation, historic monument, wildlife conservation, or street widening purposes (§ 101-6.217(c), (d), (e), and (h)), the public generally is entitled to the use of the facility and to receive the services provided by the facility and to facilities operated in connection therewith, without segregation or any other discriminatory practices.

(b) In the program involving the loan of machine tools to nonprofit institutions or training schools (§ 101-6.217(o)), discrimination by the recipient in the admission of students or trainees or in the treatment of its students or trainees in any aspect of the educational process is prohibited. In the case of an institution of higher education, the prohibition applies to the entire institution. In the case of elementary or secondary schools, the prohibition applies to all elementary and secondary schools of the recipient school district, consistent with § 101-6.205-3. In this and other illustrations the prohibition of discrimination in the treatment of students or trainees includes the prohibition of discrimination among the students or trainees in the availability or use of any academic, dormitory, eating, recreational, or other facilities of the recipient.

(c) In the programs involving the donation of personal property to public bodies or the American National Red Cross (§ 101-6.217 (f) and (j)), discrimination in the selection or treatment of individuals to receive or receiving the benefits or services of the program is prohibited.

(d) In the program involving the donation of personal property to eleemosynary institutions (§ 101-6.217(1)), the assurance will apply to applicants for admission, patients, interns, residents, student nurses, and other trainees, and to the privilege of physicians, dentists, and other professionally qualified persons to practice in the institution, and will apply to the entire institution and to facilities operated in connection therewith.

(e) In the programs involving the allotment of space by GSA to Federal Credit Unions, without charge for rent or services, and the provision of free space and utilities for vending stands operated by blind persons (§ 101-6.217 (i) and (k)), discrimination by segregation or otherwise in providing benefits or services is prohibited.

(f) In the program involving grants to State and local agencies and to nonprofit organizations and institutions for the collecting, describing, preserving, and compiling and publishing of documentary sources significant to the history of the United States (§ 101-6.217(n)), discrimination by the recipient in the selection of students or other participants in the program, and, with respect to educational institutions, in the admission or treatment of students, is prohibited.

(g) In the program involving the transfer of surplus real property for use in the provision of rental or cooperative housing to families or individuals of low or moderate income (§ 101-6.217(q)), discrimination in the selection and assignment of tenants is prohibited.

(h) A recipient may not take action that is calculated to bring about indirectly what this subpart forbids it to accomplish directly.

(i) In some situations even though past discriminatory practices have been abandoned, the consequences of such practices continue to impede the full availability of a benefit. If the efforts required of the applicant or recipient under § 101-6.209-4 to provide information as to the availability of the program or activity and the rights of beneficiaries under this subpart have failed to overcome these consequences, it will become necessary for such applicant or recipient to take additional steps to make the benefits fully available to racial and nationality groups previously subjected to discrimination. This action might take the form, for example, of special arrangements for obtaining referrals or making selections which will ensure that groups previously subjected to discrimination are adequately served.

(j) Even though an applicant or recipient has never used discriminatory policies, the services and benefits of the program or activity it administers may not in fact be equally available to some racial or nationality groups. In such circumstances, an applicant or recipient may properly give special consideration to race, color, or national origin to make the benefits of its program more widely available to such groups not then being adequately served. For example, where a university is not adequately serving members of a particular racial or nationality group, it may establish special recruitment policies to make its program better known and more readily available to such group, and take other steps to provide that group with more adequate service.

[29 FR 16287, Dec. 4, 1964, as amended at 38 FR 17974, July 5, 1973]