41 CFR § 102-40.170 - How do we handle electronic products?

§ 102-40.170 How do we handle electronic products?
Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 67867, Aug. 22, 2024.

(a) Additional guidance regarding the disposal and reporting of Federal electronic products is found under FMR part 102-36 (41 CFR part 102-36).

(b) Excess electronic products, certified and noncertified, meeting radiation safety performance standards or electronic products which are not required to meet such performance standards must be reported to GSA for transfer to Federal agencies in accordance with part 102-36 of this subchapter and may be donated or sold in accordance with parts 102-37 and 102-38 of this subchapter, respectively.

(c) Excess electronic products NOT meeting radiation safety performance standards must be reported to GSA for transfer to Federal agencies in accordance with FMR part 102-36 (41 CFR part 102-36) and may be donated or sold in accordance with parts 102-37 and 102-38 of this subchapter, respectively. The report to GSA, and any subsequent transfer, donation, or sales documents, must include a statement that the items are not in compliance with applicable radiation safety performance standards and specify the standard which is not being met. Additionally, the recipient must acknowledge that they are aware of the potential danger in handling or using such items.

(d) Donation documentation for items not meeting radiation safety performance standards must contain the following certification, or an equivalent certification, signed by the donee before release:

I (We), the undersigned, hereby certify that the donee has knowledge and understanding of the potential danger in using the product without a radiation test to determine the acceptability for use and/or modification to bring it into compliance with the radiation safety performance standards prescribed for the item under 21 CFR parts 1010 through 1050, and agrees to accept the item from the holding agency for donation under those conditions. The undersigned further agrees that the Government shall not be liable for personal injuries to, disabilities of, or death of the donee or the donee's employees, or any other person arising from or incident to the donation of the item, its use, or its final disposition. The undersigned also agrees to hold the Government harmless from any or all debts, liabilities, judgments, costs, demands, suits, actions, or claims of any nature arising from or incident to the donation of the item, its use, or its final disposition.

Name of Donee (print or type)
Signature of Donee

(e) Sales documents listing electronic products not meeting safety performance standards must also clearly warn purchasers that the items may not be in compliance with FDA radiation safety performance standards prescribed pursuant to 21 CFR parts 1010 through 1050 and that the purchaser assumes all risks associated with the use or resale of the items. The following type of warning will be placed on the sales documentation:


Purchasers are warned that the item purchased herewith may not be in compliance with Food and Drug Administration radiation safety performance standards prescribed pursuant to 21 CFR parts 1010 through 1050, and use may result in personal injury unless modified. The purchaser agrees that the United States shall not be liable for personal injuries to, disabilities of, or death of the purchaser, the purchaser's employees, or to any other persons arising from or incident to the purchase of this item, its use, or disposition. The purchaser shall hold the United States harmless from and shall indemnify the United States against any or all debts, liabilities, judgments, costs, demands, suits, actions, or claims of any nature arising from or incident to the purchase, use or resale of this item. The purchaser agrees to notify any subsequent purchaser of this property of the potential for personal injury in using this item without a radiation survey to determine the acceptability for use and/or modification to bring it into compliance with the radiation safety performance standards prescribed for the item under 21 CFR parts 1010 through 1050, unless authorized by 21 CFR 1002.4 to have the dealer or distributor hold and preserve.

(f) You must dispose of all electronic products in accordance with all Federal and state laws, including the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6901, et seq.) and Executive Order 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management. You should also be aware of the prohibitions and liabilities contained in 42 U.S.C. 9607.

(g) When donating or selling electronic products, the sales terms and sales documentation, or donation document, must include the following certification, or an equivalent certification, which must be signed by the donee or successful bidder:

It is hereby certified that the undersigned purchaser or donee will comply with all the applicable Federal, state, and local laws, ordinances and regulations with respect to the care, handling, storage, disposal, and shipment, resale, export, or other use of the electronic products, hereby purchased or donated, and that he/she is a user of, or dealer in, said products. This certification is made in accordance with and subject to the penalties of Title 18, Section 1001, the United States Code, Crime and Criminal Procedures.

When recycling electronic products, purchaser or donee should use any national standards, best management practices, or existing certification programs for recyclers in addition to Federal, state, and local laws, ordinances and regulations. In the absence of national standards, best management practices, or a national certification program for recyclers, the purchaser/donee should use “EPA's Guidelines for Materials Management” found at http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/index.htm

Name of purchaser or donee (print or type)
Signature of purchaser or donee

(h) Additionally, noncertified and certified electronic products must be abandoned under the provisions of § 102-40.125.