41 CFR § 102-75.490 - Who must notify eligible public agencies that surplus real property for educational and public health purposes is available?

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§ 102-75.490 Who must notify eligible public agencies that surplus real property for educational and public health purposes is available?

The disposal agency must notify eligible public agencies that surplus property is available for educational and/or public health purposes. The notice must require that any plans for an educational or public health use, resulting from the development of the comprehensive and coordinated plan of use and procurement for the property, must be coordinated with the Department of Education (ED) or the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as appropriate. The notice must also let eligible public agencies know where to obtain the applications, instructions for preparing them, and where to submit the application. The requirement for educational or public health use of the property by an eligible public agency is contingent upon the disposal agency's approval, under § 102-75.515, of a recommendation for assignment of Federal surplus real property received from ED or HHS. Further, any subsequent transfer is subject to the approval of the head of the disposal agency as stipulated under 40 U.S.C. 550(c) or (d) and referenced in § 102-75.535.