41 CFR § 102-81.20 - Who must comply with this part?

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§ 102-81.20 Who must comply with this part?

Each agency occupying a Federal facility or Federal grounds under the jurisdiction, custody, or control of GSA, including those facilities and grounds that have been delegated by the Administrator of General Services, for nonmilitary activities must comply with this part, except where the Director of National Intelligence determines that compliance would jeopardize intelligence sources and methods or the Secretary of Energy determines that compliance would conflict with the authorities of the Secretary of Energy over Restricted Data and Special Nuclear Material under, among others, sections 141, 145, 146, 147, and 161 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Department of Energy Organization Act, or any other statute. In situations where a Federal facility is occupied by multiple Federal agencies for both military and nonmilitary activities, and each such occupancy is substantial, those occupants will coordinate on the physical security of the facility.