42 CFR § 110.81 - Calculation of benefits for lost employment income.

§ 110.81 Calculation of benefits for lost employment income.

(a) Primary calculation. Benefits under this section may be paid for days of work lost as a result of a covered injury or its health complications if the injured countermeasure recipient lost employment income for the lost work days as reasonable based on the degree of injury or disability. As stated in § 110.32(c), days for which an individual used paid leave will be considered days of work for which employment income was received and, therefore, would not qualify for lost employment income benefits. However, if the injured countermeasure recipient reimburses the employer for the paid leave taken and the employer restores the leave that was used, the individual may be eligible for lost employment income benefits for those days;

(1) The Secretary will calculate the rate of benefits to be paid for the lost work days based on the injured countermeasure recipient's gross employment income, which includes income from self-employment, at the time he or she sustained the covered injury. The Secretary may not, except with respect to injured individuals who are minors, consider projected future earnings in this calculation.

(i) For an injured countermeasure recipient with no dependents at the time the covered injury was sustained, the benefits are 66 2/3 percent of the individual's gross employment income at the time of injury.

(ii) For an injured countermeasure recipient with one or more dependents at the time the covered injury was sustained, the benefits are 75 percent of the individual's gross employment income at the time of injury; and

(iii) In the case of an injured countermeasure recipient who is a minor, the Secretary may consider the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 8113 (authorizing the FECA Program), and any implementing regulations, in determining the amount of payments under this section and the circumstances under which such payments are reasonable and necessary.

(b) Adjustment for inflation. Benefits for lost employment income paid under the Program that represent future lost employment income will be adjusted annually to account for inflation.

(c) Limitations on benefits paid. The Secretary will reduce the benefits calculated under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section according to the limitations described in this paragraph (c):

(1) Number of lost work days. An injured countermeasure recipient will be compensated for ten or more days of work lost if he or she lost employment income for those days as a result of the covered injury (or its health complications). If the number of days of lost employment income due to the covered injury (or its health complications) is fewer than ten, the Secretary will reduce the number of lost work days by five days. If the injured countermeasure recipient lost employment income for a period of five days or fewer, no benefits for lost employment income will be paid. Lost work days do not need to be consecutive. Partial days of lost employment income may be aggregated to calculate the total number of lost work days. The Secretary has the discretion to consider the reasonableness of the number of work days (or partial work days) lost as a result of a covered injury or its health complications in this calculation, and to consider alternative work schedules in determining the number of work days lost.

(2) Annual limitation. The maximum amount that an injured countermeasure recipient may receive in any one year in benefits for lost employment income under this Program is $50,000.

(3) Lifetime limitation. The maximum amount that an injured countermeasure recipient can receive during his or her lifetime in benefits for lost employment income under this Program is the amount of the death benefit calculated under the PSOB Program in the same fiscal year as the year in which this lifetime cap is reached. This amount is the maximum death benefit payable to survivors under this Program using the standard calculation described in § 110.82(b). However, this lifetime cap does not apply if the Secretary determines that the countermeasure recipient has a covered injury (or injuries) meeting the definition of “disability” in section 216(i) of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 416(i).

(4) Termination of payments. The Secretary will not pay benefits for lost employment income after the injured countermeasure recipient reaches the age of 65.

(d) Reductions for other coverage. From the amount of benefits calculated under paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, the Secretary will make reductions:

(1) For all payments made, or expected to be made in the future, to the injured countermeasure recipient for compensation of lost employment income or disability or retirement benefits, by any third-party payer in relation to the covered injury or its health complications, consistent with § 110.32(b); and

(2) So that the total amount of benefits for lost employment income paid to an injured countermeasure recipient under this Program, together with the total amounts paid (or payable) by third-party payers, as described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, does not exceed 66 2/3 percent (or 75 percent, if the injured countermeasure recipient had at least one dependent at the time the covered injury was sustained) of his or her employment income at the time of the covered injury for the lost work days.

(3) If an injured countermeasure recipient receives a lump-sum payment from any third-party payer under any obligation described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, the Secretary shall consider such a payment to be received over a period of years, rather than in a single year. The Secretary has discretion as to how to apportion such payments over multiple years.