42 CFR § 35.66 - Expenditure of cash contributions.

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§ 35.66 Expenditure of cash contributions.

(a) Officials authorized to accept contributions shall not maintain control over the actual obligation or expenditure of such monies.

(b) Only those officers or employees specifically designated in writing by the officer in charge for such purpose may obligate and expend monies from the patient fund. The names of officials so designated shall be provided to the relevant fiscal control office.

(c) Subject to availability of sufficient funds, monies in the patient fund may be expended for materials, services or activities which contribute to the well-being or morale of patients, including but not limited to provision of reading and entertainment materials, recreation activities, and, in appropriate cases, necessary financial support (including travel expenses, meals, and lodging) of relatives, guardians, or friends of patients to enable such persons to be available for the patient's comfort and support.

(d) Officers in charge may issue such additional instructions, not inconsistent with this subpart, as may be necessary to implement its provisions.