42 CFR § 405.1873 - Board review of compliance with the reimbursement requirement of an appropriate cost report claim.

§ 405.1873 Board review of compliance with the reimbursement requirement of an appropriate cost report claim.

(a) General. In order to receive or potentially receive reimbursement for a specific item, the provider must include in its cost report an appropriate claim for the specific item (as prescribed in § 413.24(j) of this chapter). If the provider files an appeal to the Board seeking reimbursement for the specific item and any party to such appeal questions whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item, the Board must address such question in accordance with the procedures set forth in this section.

(b) Summary of procedures—(1) Preliminary steps. The Board must give the parties an adequate opportunity to submit factual evidence and legal argument regarding the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal. Upon receipt of timely submitted factual evidence or legal argument (if any), the Board must review such evidence and argument and prepare written specific findings of fact and conclusions of law on the question of whether the provider's cost report complied with, for the specific item under appeal, the cost report claim requirements prescribed in § 413.24(j) of this chapter. In reaching such specific factual findings and legal conclusions, the Board must follow the procedures set forth in § 413.24(j)(3) of this chapter for determining whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal. The Board must promptly give a copy of such written specific factual findings and legal conclusions to each party to the appeal, and such factual findings and legal conclusions must be included in the record of administrative proceedings for the appeal (as prescribed in § 405.1865).

(2) Limits on Board actions. The Board's specific findings of fact and conclusions of law (pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section) must not be invoked or relied on by the Board as a basis to deny, or decline to exercise, jurisdiction over a specific item or take any other of the actions specified in paragraph (c) of this section. Upon giving the parties to the appeal the Board's written specific factual findings and legal conclusions (pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section) on the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate cost report claim for the specific item under appeal, the Board must proceed to issue one of the four types of overall decisions specified in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section with respect to the specific item. If the Board issues either of two types of overall Board decisions (as specified in paragraph (d) of this section) regarding the specific item under appeal, the Board's written specific factual findings and legal conclusions (pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section) must be included in such overall Board decision regarding the specific item, along with the other matters that are required by the regulations for the pertinent type of overall Board decision. However, if the Board issues either of two other types of overall Board decisions (as specified in paragraph (e) of this section) regarding the specific item under appeal, the Board's written specific factual findings and legal conclusions (pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) of this section) must not be included in the overall Board decision regarding the specific item. The Board may permit reimbursement for the specific item under appeal, as part of one of the two types of overall Board decisions that are specified in paragraph (d) of this section, but such reimbursement may be permitted only to the extent authorized by paragraph (f) of this section.

(c) Prohibition of certain types of decisions, orders, and other actions.

(1) If the Board determines, in its findings of fact and conclusions of law (as prescribed by paragraph (b)(1) of this section), that the provider's cost report did not include an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal, the Board may not—

(i) Deny jurisdiction over the specific item under appeal, based on (in whole or in part) the Board's factual findings and legal conclusions (reached under paragraph (b)(1) of this section);

(ii) Decline to exercise jurisdiction over the specific item under appeal, based on (in whole or in part) the Board's factual findings and legal conclusions (reached under paragraph (b)(1) of this section); or

(iii) Take any of the actions set forth in § 405.1868(b), (c), or (d), impose any sanction, or take any other action against the interests of any party to the appeal, except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, based on (in whole or in part) the Board's factual findings and legal conclusions (reached under paragraph (b)(1) of this section).

(2) Regardless of whether the Board determines, in its findings of fact and conclusions of law (as prescribed by paragraph (b)(1) of this section), that the provider's cost report did or did not include an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal, the Board may not—

(i) Deny jurisdiction over the specific item under appeal, based on (in whole or in part) the absence, in the final contractor determination or Secretary determination under appeal, of an adjustment, revision, correction, or other change to the specific item under appeal, or the lack of a particular determination by the contractor or the Secretary regarding the specific item. Exception: If the provider's appeal of the specific item is based on a reopening of such item (pursuant to § 405.1885) where the specific item is not revised, adjusted, corrected, or otherwise changed in a revised final contractor or Secretary determination, the Board must deny jurisdiction over the specific item under appeal (as prescribed in §§ 405.1887(d) and 405.1889(b));

(ii) Decline to exercise jurisdiction over the specific item under appeal, based on (in whole or in part) the absence, in the final contractor determination or Secretary determination under appeal, of an adjustment, revision, correction, or other change to the specific item under appeal, or the lack of a particular determination by the contractor or the Secretary regarding the specific item; or

(iii) Take any of the actions set forth in § 405.1868(b), (c), or (d), impose any sanction, or take any other action against the interests of any party to the appeal, except as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, based on (in whole or in part) the absence, in the final contractor determination or Secretary determination under appeal, of an adjustment, revision, correction, or other change to the specific item under appeal, or the lack of a particular determination by the contractor or the Secretary regarding the specific item.

(d) Two types of Board decisions that must include any factual findings and legal conclusions under paragraph (b)(1) of this section—(1) Board hearing decision. If the Board issues a hearing decision regarding the specific item under appeal (pursuant to § 405.1871), any specific findings of fact and conclusions of law by the Board (in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section), on the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item, must be included in such hearing decision along with the other matters prescribed by § 405.1871(a). The Board's factual findings and legal conclusions (reached under paragraph (b)(1) of this section), about whether there was an appropriate cost report claim for the specific item under appeal, are subject to the provisions of § 405.1871(b) just as those provisions apply to the other parts of the Board's hearing decision. If the Board determines that the provider's cost report—

(i) Included an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal (as prescribed in § 413.24(j) of this chapter), the Board's hearing decision must also address whether the other substantive reimbursement requirements for the specific item are also satisfied; or

(ii) Did not include an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal, the Board has discretion whether or not to address in the Board's hearing decision whether the other substantive reimbursement requirements for the specific item are also satisfied.

(2) Board expedited judicial review (EJR) decision, where EJR is granted. If the Board issues an EJR decision where EJR is granted regarding a legal question that is relevant to the specific item under appeal (in accordance with § 405.1842(f)(1)), the Board's specific findings of fact and conclusions of law (reached under paragraph (b)(1) of this section), on the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item, must be included in such EJR decision along with the other matters prescribed by § 405.1842(f)(1). The Board's factual findings and legal conclusions (in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section) about whether there was an appropriate cost report claim for the specific item under appeal are subject to the provisions of § 405.1842(g)(1), (g)(2), (h)(1), and (h)(3) in the same manner as those provisions apply to the other parts of the Board's EJR decision.

(e) Two other types of Board decisions that must not include the Board's factual findings and legal conclusions under paragraph (b)(1) of this section—(1) Board jurisdictional dismissal decision. If the Board issues a jurisdictional dismissal decision regarding the specific item under appeal (pursuant to § 405.1840(c)), the Board's specific findings of fact and conclusions of law (in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section), on the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item, must not be included in such jurisdictional dismissal decision.

(2) Board expedited judicial review (EJR) decision, where EJR is denied. If the Board issues an EJR decision where EJR is denied regarding a legal question that is relevant to the specific item under appeal (in accordance with § 405.1842(f)(2)), the Board's specific findings of fact and conclusions of law (in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section), on the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the same item, must not be included in such EJR decision. If the Board conducts further proceedings and issues another decision (as specified in § 405.1842(h)(2)(i)), the Board's specific findings of fact and conclusions of law (in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section)—

(i) Must be included in any further hearing decision or EJR decision where EJR is granted regarding the specific item under appeal (as specified in paragraph (d) of this section); but

(ii) Must not be included in any further jurisdictional dismissal decision or EJR decision where EJR is denied regarding the specific item under appeal (as prescribed in paragraph (e) of this section).

(f) Effects of the Board's factual findings and legal conclusions under paragraph (b)(1) of this section in two types of final decisions—(1) When part of a final hearing decision. If the Board determines, or the Administrator of CMS determines (pursuant to § 405.1875(a)(2)(v)), as applicable, in a final and binding hearing decision (in accordance with § 405.1871(b) and paragraphs (b)(1) and (d)(1) of this section), that the provider's cost report—

(i) Included an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal (as prescribed in § 413.24(j) of this chapter), the specific item is reimbursable in accordance with Medicare policy, but only if the Board further determines in such final hearing decision that all the other substantive reimbursement requirements for the specific item are also satisfied; or

(ii) Did not include an appropriate cost report claim for the specific item under appeal, the specific item is not reimbursable, regardless of whether the Board further determines in such final hearing decision that the other substantive reimbursement requirements for the specific item are or are not satisfied.

(2) When part of a final EJR decision that grants EJR. If the Board determines or the Administrator of CMS determines (pursuant to § 405.1875(a)(2)(v)), as applicable, in a final and binding EJR decision that grants EJR regarding a legal question that is relevant to the specific item under appeal (in accordance with § 405.1842(g)(1) and paragraphs (b)(1) and (d)(2) of this section), that the provider's cost report—

(i) Included an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal (as prescribed in § 413.24(j) of this chapter), the specific item is reimbursable in accordance with Medicare policy, but only to the extent permitted by the final decision of a Federal court pursuant to the EJR provisions of section 1878(f)(1) of the Act (refer also to §§ 405.1842 and 405.1877); or

(ii) Did not include an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal, the specific item is not reimbursable, unless—

(A) The specific factual findings and legal conclusions (in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section) of the Board or the Administrator, as applicable, on the question of whether the provider's cost report included an appropriate claim for the specific item under appeal, are reversed or modified by the final decision of a Federal court (in accordance with section 1878(f)(1) of the Act and § 405.1877); and

(B) Only to the extent otherwise permitted by the final decision of a Federal court pursuant to the EJR provisions of section 1878(f)(1) of the Act (refer also to §§ 405.1842 and 405.1877) and by Medicare policy.

[80 FR 70600, Nov. 13, 2015]