42 CFR § 405.2102 - Definitions.

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§ 405.2102 Definitions.

As used in this subpart, the following definitions apply:

Network, ESRD. All Medicare-approved ESRD facilities in a designated geographic area specified by CMS.

Network organization. The administrative governing body to the network and liaison to the Federal government.

[41 FR 22511, June 3, 1976. Redesignated at 42 FR 52826, Sept. 30, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 48950, Oct. 19, 1978; 51 FR 30361, Aug. 26, 1986; 53 FR 6547, Mar. 1, 1988; 55 FR 9575, Mar. 14, 1990; 72 FR 15273, Mar. 30, 2007; 73 FR 20473, Apr. 15, 2008; 79 FR 66261, Nov. 6, 2014]