42 CFR § 488.1045 - Voluntary and involuntary termination.

§ 488.1045 Voluntary and involuntary termination.

(a) Voluntary termination by a CMS-approved accrediting program. In accordance with § 488.1010(a)(23), a home infusion therapy accrediting organization that decides to voluntarily terminate its CMS-approved home infusion therapy accreditation program must provide written notice at least 180 days in advance of the effective date of the termination to CMS and each of its accredited home infusion therapy suppliers.

(b) Involuntary termination of an accrediting organization's approval by CMS. Once CMS publishes the notice in the Federal Register announcing its decision terminate the home infusion therapy accrediting organization's home infusion therapy accreditation program, the home infusion therapy accrediting organization must provide written notification to all suppliers accredited under its CMS-approved home infusion therapy accreditation program no later than 30 calendar days after the notice is published in the Federal Register announcing that CMS is withdrawing its approval of its home infusion therapy accreditation program and the implications for the home infusion therapy suppliers payment status in accordance with the requirements at § 488.1010(f) once their current term of accreditation expires.

(c) Voluntary and involuntary terminations. For both voluntary and involuntary terminations—

(1) The accreditation status of affected home infusion therapy suppliers is considered to remain in effect until their current term of accreditation expires;

(2) If the home infusion therapy supplier wishes to avoid a suspension of payment, it must provide written notice to CMS at least 60-calendar days prior to its accreditation expiration date that it has submitted an application for home infusion therapy accreditation under another CMS-approved home infusion therapy accreditation program. Failure to comply with this 60-calendar day requirement prior to expiration of their current home infusion therapy accreditation stations within could result in a suspension of payment; and

(3) The home infusion therapy accrediting organization provides a second written notification to all accredited home infusion therapy suppliers ten calendar days prior to the organization's accreditation program effective date of termination.

(d) Voluntary withdrawal from accreditation requested by a home infusion therapy supplier. If a voluntary withdrawal from accreditation is requested by the home infusion therapy supplier, the withdrawal may not become effective until the accrediting organization completes all of the following steps:

(1) The accrediting organization must contact the home infusion therapy supplier to seek written confirmation that the home infusion therapy supplier intends to voluntarily withdraw from the home infusion therapy accreditation program.

(2) The home infusion therapy accrediting organization must advise the home infusion therapy supplier, in writing, of the statutory requirement for accreditation for all home infusion therapy suppliers and the possible payment consequences for a lapse in accreditation status.

(3) The home infusion therapy accrediting organization must submit their final notice of the voluntary withdrawal of accreditation by the home infusion therapy supplier to CMS by 5 business days after the request for voluntary withdrawal is ultimately processed and effective.