42 CFR § 51d.7 - What are the limitations on how award funds may be used?

§ 51d.7 What are the limitations on how award funds may be used?

Unallowable Expenses: The following expenses will not be reimbursed under section 501(m) of the PHS Act:

(1) Major construction costs;

(2) Childcare services, unless provided by the institution or entity providing mental health or substance abuse treatment and integral to the treatment program;

(3) Services outside of the geographic area specified in the application, except to the extent that the precipitating event requires physical relocation of either affected parties or facilities;

(4) Any mental health or substance abuse services not directly related to the mental health or substance abuse emergency;

(5) Any expenses that supplant ongoing local, State, Tribal or Federal expenditures; and

(6) Any other costs unallowable by Federal law or regulation.