42 CFR § 57.316a - Performance standard.

§ 57.316a Performance standard.

On June 30, 1986, and on each June 30 thereafter, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, each school must have a default rate (as calculated under paragraph (a) of this section) of not more than 5 percent.

(a) The default rate for each school shall be the ratio (stated as a percentage) that the defaulted principal amount outstanding of the school bears to the matured loans of the school. For this purpose:

(1) The term “defaulted principal amount outstanding” means the total amount borrowed from the loan fund of a school that has reached the repayment stage (minus any principal amount repaid or canceled) on loans in default for more than 120 days; and

(2) The term “matured loans” means the total principal amount of all loans made by a school under this subpart minus the total principal amount of loans made by the school to students who are:

(i) Enrolled in a full-time or half-time course of study at the school; or

(ii) In their grace period.

(b) Any school that has a default rate greater than 5 percent on June 30, 1986, or on June 30 of any year thereafter will be required to:

(1) Reduce its default rate by 50 percent (or a school with a default rate below 10 percent must reduce its rate to 5 percent) by the close of the following 6-month period; and

(2) By the end of each succeeding 6-month period, reduce its default rate to 50 percent of the required rate for the previous 6-month period, until it reaches 5 percent.

(c) Any school subject to the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section which fails to comply with those requirements will receive no new NSL funds and will be required to:

(1) Place the revolving fund monies and all subsequent collections into an insured interest-bearing account;

(2) Make no loan disbursements; and

(3) By the end of the succeeding 6-month period, reduce its default rate to 50 percent of the rate it failed to achieve under paragraph (b) of this section, or 5 percent. A school that meets this requirement will be permitted to resume the use of its nursing student loan funds, but must continue to comply with the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section if its default rate is still greater than 5 percent.

A school that meets the requirements of subparagraph (c)(3) of this section will be permitted to resume the use of its NSL funds, but must continue to comply with the requirements of subparagraph (b)(2) of this section if its delinquency rate is still greater than 5 percent.

(d) Any school subject to the provisions of paragraph (c)(3) of this section which fails to comply with those requirements will be subject to termination. The Secretary will provide the school with a written notice specifying his or her intention to terminate the school's participation in the program and stating that the school may request, within 30 days of the receipt of this notice, a formal hearing. If the school requests a hearing, it must within 90 days of the receipt of the notice, submit material, factual issues in dispute to demonstrate that there is cause for a hearing. These issues must be both substantive and relevant. The hearing will be held in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The Secretary will deny a hearing if:

(1) The request for a hearing is untimely (i.e., fails to meet the 30-day requirement);

(2) The school does not provide a statement of material, factual issues in dispute within the 90-day required period; or

(3) The statement of factual issues in dispute is frivolous or inconsequential.

In the event that the Secretary denies a hearing, the Secretary will send a written denial to the school setting forth the reasons for denial. If a hearing is denied, or if as a result of the hearing, termination is still determined to be necessary, the school will be terminated from participation in the program and will be required to return the Federal share of the revolving fund to the Department. A school terminated for failure to comply with the provisions of paragraph (c)(3) of this section must continue to pursue collections and may reapply for participation in the program only when it has attained a default rate of 5 percent or less.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0047)
[50 FR 34434, Aug. 23, 1985, as amended at 52 FR 10195, Mar. 30, 1987; 53 FR 46555, Nov. 17, 1988; 56 FR 13772, Apr. 4, 1991]