43 CFR § 13.4 - Terms of permit.

§ 13.4 Terms of permit.

Every permit shall describe the location of the vending facilities and shall be subject to the following provisions:

(a) The permit shall be issued in the name of the applicant State licensing agency.

(b) The permit shall be for a definite term, not to exceed five years, and shall be without charge for rent.

(c) The permit may be revoked at any time upon not less than 30 days written notice to the permittee from the head of the Interior bureau or office having control of the property where the vending facilities are located. Such notice shall state the reasons on which it is based.

(d) Items sold at the vending facilities shall be limited to newspapers, periodicals, pre-packaged confections, tobacco products, articles dispensed automatically or in containers or wrappings in which they are placed before receipt by the vendor, and such other articles as may be approved by the head of the Interior bureau or office for each location. The head of the Interior bureau or office may require discontinuance of sale of any type of article, upon not less than 15 days' notice in writing.

(e) Vending facilities shall be operated in compliance with such standards of appearance, safety, health, sanitation, and efficiency as may be prescribed by the head of the Interior bureau or office. Such standards shall conform, so far as practicable with the provisions of State laws and regulations, whether or not the property is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States.

(f) The permittee shall arrange for the modification or relocation of the vending facilities when in the opinion of the head of the Interior bureau or office such action is essential to the satisfactory maintenance, operation, or use of the property concerned and shall not modify or relocate such facilities without such approval. Installation, modification, relocation, or removal of vending facilities shall be made only under the supervision of the head of the Interior bureau or office and without cost to the Department of the Interior. The permittee may be required to remove any vending device deemed undesirable by the head of the Interior bureau or office. Ownership of vending devices installed by the permittee or operator shall remain vested with the installer. All extra identifiable costs incurred by the Department of the Interior in restoring to its original condition any space vacated by removal or relocation of vending facilities shall be reimbursed by the permittee or the operator.

(g) In the event a vending facility is being operated in a manner unsatisfactory to the Interior bureau or office, the permittee will be notified in writing and required to take appropriate action to rectify the situation.

(h) The operator of the vending facility shall carry such insurance against losses by fire, public liability, employer's liability, or other hazards as is customary among prudent operators of similar businesses under comparable circumstances.