43 CFR § 1882.3 - Application procedures.

§ 1882.3 Application procedures.

No later than October 1 of the fiscal year in which a loan is to be made, the State or its political subdivision shall submit to the Director a letter signed by the authorized agent requesting a loan. The authorized agent shall furnish proof of authority to act for the State or political subdivision with the application. Such letter shall constitute a formal application for a loan under this subpart and shall contain the following:

(a) The name of the State or political subdivision requesting the loan.

(b) The amount of the loan requested.

(c) The name, address, and position of the person in the State or political subdivision who is to serve as contact on all matters concerning the loan.

(d) A description and documentation of the adverse social and economic impacts suffered as a result of the leasing and development of Federal mineral deposits.

(e) An analysis and documentation of the additional expenses generated as a result of the leasing and development of Federal minerals.

(f) Proposed uses of the funds derived from the loan.

(g) Evidence that the loan and repayment provisions are authorized by State law.

(h) The Director may request any additional information from the applicant that is needed to properly act on the loan application. The applicant shall furnish such additional information in any form acceptable to the applicant and the Director. No loan shall be granted unless such additional information is timely received by the Director.