43 CFR § 32.2 - Definitions.

§ 32.2 Definitions.

The terms used in these regulations are defined as follows:

(a) Act. The Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973, as amended.

(b) YACC. Young Adult Conservation Corps.

(c) Secretaries. The Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture or their designated representatives. The YACC program is managed within Interior by the Office of Youth Programs, and within Agriculture, by the Forest Service.

(d) State. Any of the several States of the United States, District of Columbia, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and The Trust Territories of the Pacific Islands and the Northern Marianas.

(e) Refugee/parolee. An alien who is admitted into the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, and who is legally authorized to take permanent employment in the United States.

(f) Enrollee. An individual enrolled in the YACC grant program.

(g) Grant. Funding furnished by the Secretaries to a State pursuant to the Act in order to carry out the YACC program.

(h) Grantee. Any State recipient of a grant for the operation of a YACC program affecting both Federal and non-Federal public lands and waters, or projects limited to non-Federal public lands and waters as designated by the Governor in each State.

(i) Subgrantee. Any unit of general local government or any public agency or organization or any private non-profit agency or organization which has been in existence at least 2 years which has successfully applied to a State for funds to operate a YACC project affecting both Federal and non-Federal public lands and waters within that State or projects limited to non-Federal public lands and waters.

(j) Contractor. Any public agency or organization, or any private non-profit agency or organization which has been in existence for at least 2 years and is under contract with the grantee or sub-grantee for the conduct of a YACC project affecting both Federal and non-Federal public lands or waters, or projects limited to non-Federal public lands and waters.

(k) State grant program. The YACC program consisting of one or more projects operated by a State with Federal Funding.

(l) Project. A YACC residential camp operation or nonresidential project:

(1) Residential camp. A YACC facility established and maintained to provide 7 days-per-week, 24 hours-per-day residential support services for enrollees.

(2) Nonresidential project. A designated area from which daily work activities are assigned and to/from which nonresidential enrollees commute daily.

(m) In consultation with. Advance discussion shall occur on the matter under consideration.

(n) Non-Federal public lands and waters. Any lands or waters within the territorial limits of a State owned either in fee simple by a State or political subdivision thereof or over which a State or political subdivision thereof has, as determined by the Secretaries, sufficient long-term jurisidiction so that improvements made as the result of a grant will accrue primarily to the benefit of the public as a whole. Federally owned public lands and waters administered by a State or political subdivision thereof under agreements with a Department or Agency of the Federal Government are eligible under such definition if the Secretaries determine that the State or political subdivision thereof is entitled or is likely to retain administrative responsibility for an extended period of time sufficient to justify treatment as non-Federal public lands or waters.

(o) Total youth population. Number of youth in a State ages 16 through 23, consistent with the most current Bureau of Census estimate.

(p) Labor. U.S. Department of Labor.

(q) Interior. U.S. Department of the Interior.

(r) Forest Service. Agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture.