45 CFR § 1304.20 - Selection among applicants.

§ 1304.20 Selection among applicants.

(a) In selecting an agency to be designated to provide Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant or Seasonal Head Start or tribal Head Start or Early Head Start services, the responsible HHS official will consider the applicable criteria at Section 641(d) of the Head Start Act and any other criteria outlined in the funding opportunity announcement.

(b) In competitions to replace or potentially replace a grantee the responsible HHS official will also consider the extent to which the applicant supports continuity for participating children, the community and the continued employment of effective, well qualified personnel.

(c) In competitions to replace or potentially replace a current grantee, the responsible HHS official will give priority to applicants that have demonstrated capacity in providing effective, comprehensive, and well-coordinated early childhood education and development services and programs to children and their families.