45 CFR § 96.129 - Revolving funds for establishment of homes in which recovering substance abusers may reside.

§ 96.129 Revolving funds for establishment of homes in which recovering substance abusers may reside.

(a) The State shall establish and provide for the ongoing operation of a revolving fund as follows:

(1) The purpose of the fund is to make loans for the costs of establishing programs for the provision of housing in which individuals recovering from alcohol and drug abuse may reside in groups of not less than six individuals;

(2) Not less than $100,000 will be available for the revolving fund;

(3) Loans made from the revolving fund do not exceed $4,000 and that each such loan is repaid to the revolving fund not later than 2 years after the date on which the loan is made;

(4) Each such loan is repaid by such residents through monthly installments by the date specified in the loan agreement involved;

(5) Such loans are made only to nonprofit private entities agreeing that, in the operation of the program established pursuant to the loan—

(i) The use of alcohol or any illegal drug in the housing provided by the program will be prohibited;

(ii) Any resident of the housing who violates such prohibition will be expelled from the housing;

(iii) The costs of the housing, including fees for rent and utilities, will be paid by the residents of the housing; and

(iv) The residents of the housing will, through a majority vote of the residents, otherwise establish policies governing residence in the housing, including the manner in which applications for residence in the housing are approved;

(6) States shall identify and clearly define legitimate purposes for which the funds will be spent, such as first month's rent, necessary furniture (e.g., beds), facility modifications (e.g., conversion of basement into a game room or extra bedrooms), and purchase of amenities which foster healthy group living (e.g., dishwasher);

(7) In managing the revolving fund, the State and the financial entity managing the fund for the State shall abide by all Federal, State and local laws and regulations;

(8) If the State decides to indirectly manage the fund using a private nonprofit entity as the fund management group, the State shall establish reasonable criteria for selecting the group, such as qualifications, expertise, experience, and capabilities of the group, and the State shall require that these entities abide by all Federal, State and local laws and regulations;

(9) The State may seek assistance to approve or deny applications from entities that meet State-established criteria;

(10) The State shall set reasonable criteria in determining the eligibility of prospective borrowers such as qualifications, expertise, capabilities, the acceptability of a proposed plan to use the funds and operate the house, and an assessment of the potential borrower's ability to pay back the funds;

(11) The State shall establish a procedure and process for applying for a loan under the program which may include completion of the application, personal interviews and submission of evidence to support eligibility requirements, as well as establish a written procedure for repayment which will set forth reasonable penalties for late or missed payments and liability and recourse for default;

(12) The State shall provide clearly defined written instructions to applicants which lays out timeliness, milestones, required documentation, notification of reasonable penalties for late or missed payments and recourse for default, notification on legitimate purposes for which the loan may be spent, and other procedures required by the State; and

(13) The State shall keep a written record of the number of loans and amount of loans provided, the identities of borrowers and the repayment history of each borrower and retain it for three years.

(b) The requirements established in paragraph (a) of this section shall not apply to any territory of the United States other than the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.