45 CFR § 98.70 - Reporting requirements.

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§ 98.70 Reporting requirements.

(a) Quarterly Case-level Report—

(1) State and territorial Lead Agencies that receive assistance under the CCDF shall prepare and submit to the Department, in a manner specified by the Secretary, a quarterly case-level report of monthly family case-level data. Data shall be collected monthly and submitted quarterly. States may submit the data monthly if they choose to do so.

(2) The information shall be reported for the three-month federal fiscal period preceding the required report. The first report shall be submitted no later than August 31, 1998, and quarterly thereafter. The first report shall include data from the third quarter of FFY 1998 (April 1998 through June 1998). States and Territorial Lead Agencies which choose to submit case-level data monthly must submit their report for April 1998 no later than July 30, 1998. Following reports must be submitted every thirty days thereafter.

(3) State and territorial Lead Agencies choosing to submit data based on a sample shall submit a sampling plan to ACF for approval 60 days prior to the submission of the first quarterly report. States are not prohibited from submitting case-level data for the entire population receiving CCDF services.

(4) Quarterly family case-level reports to the Secretary shall include the information listed in § 98.71(a).

(b) Annual Report—

(1) State and territorial Lead Agencies that receive assistance under CCDF shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an annual report. The report shall be submitted, in a manner specified by the Secretary, by December 31 of each year and shall cover the most recent federal fiscal year (October through September).

(2) The first annual aggregate report shall be submitted no later than December 31, 1997, and every twelve months thereafter.

(3) Biennial reports to Congress by the Secretary shall include the information listed in § 98.71(b).

(c) Tribal Annual Report—

(1) Tribal Lead Agencies that receive assistance under CCDF shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an annual aggregate report.

(2) The report shall be submitted in the manner specified by the Secretary by December 31 of each year and shall cover services for children and families served with CCDF funds during the preceding Federal Fiscal Year.

(3) Biennial reports to Congress by the Secretary shall include the information listed in § 98.71(c).

(d) State and territorial Lead Agencies shall make the following reports publicly available on a Web site in a timely manner:

(1) Annual administrative data reports under paragraph (b) of this section;

(2) Quarterly financial reports under § 98.65(g); and

(3) Annual quality progress reports under § 98.53(g).

[63 FR 39981, July 24, 1998, as amended at 81 FR 67592, Sept. 30, 2016; 89 FR 52397, June 24, 2024]